
Topic: Strategy

Recruiting Independent Sales Reps

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I just started with a company that distributes school planners, record books, and printed forms to schools on a nationwide basis. We have a current independent sales rep network, most of who came to us, we did not recruit them.

我立即需要添加一个销售代表签订eral states (we typically have each rep cover one or two states).

I am looking for ideas on how to best recruit new sales reps. Do local newspaper ads typically work? There are a number of site specifically for sales reps to find lines, and companies to find sales reps. These seem fairly effective, can you recommend some that have worked well for you, or at least what I should be looking for from these types of services to differentiate which firms might offer the best option for me? I have not found a site specific to education or publishing, assuming I would need to use a general sales rep search firm.

Any other input on what has worked well for recruiting new independent sales reps would be appreciated.
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  • Posted bymalkosbmon Accepted
    U can see :
    * The Association of Independent Manufacturers'/Representatives, Inc. (AIM/R)

    * and other associations names :
    Association of Industry Manufacturers Representatives (AIM/R)
    Atlanta Medical and Pharmaceutical Representatives Association (AMPRA)
    Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
    Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association (BIFMA)
    Canadian Electronics Representatives Association (CERA)
    Central Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Representatives Association (CWPRA)
    Eastern Outdoor Reps Association (EORA)
    Eastern Winter Sports Reps Association (EWSRA)
    Electronics Representatives Association of Southern California (ERA)
    Electronics Representatives Association International (ERA)
    Grocery Manufacturers of America
    Health Industry Reps Association (HIRA)
    Heating, Airconditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI)
    The Independent Office Products and Furniture Dealers Association (IOPFDA)
    Industrial Manufacturers Representative Association Northeast Ohio (IMRA)
    International Housewares Representatives Association (IHRA)
    Manufacturers’ Agents Association for the Foodservice Industry (MAFSI)
    Manufacturers’ Agents of Cincinnati (MAC)
    Manufacturers’ Agents National Association (MANA)
    Manufacturers Representatives of America, Inc. (MRA)
    Manufacturers Representatives Educational Research Foundation (MRERF)
    Midwestern Reps Association (MRA)
    National Association General Merchandise Representatives (NAGMR)
    National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association (NEMRA)
    National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA)
    National Marine Representatives Association (NMRA)
    New England Winter Sports Representatives, Inc. (NEWSR)
    North American Industrial Representatives Association (NIRA)
    Power-Motion Technology Representatives Association (PTRA)
    Retail Packaging Association (RPA)
    学校,家庭和办公室名单ts Association (SHOPA)
    The Sporting Goods Agents Association (SGAA)
    United Association Manufacturers’ Representatives (UAMR)
    United Sales Agents (USA)
    United States Reps Association (USRA)
    Western Toy & Hobby Representatives Association (WTHRA)
    Western Winter Sports Reps Association (WWSRA)
    Wisconsin Association of Manufacturers’ Agents, Inc. (WAMA)
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Mana is the cream of the agencies. I maintain my own rep agency in an unrelated business.

    Most of my principals came to me by word of mouth. My best advice is to call a prospective or existing client in the areas you want filled. Ask the buyer for a rep referral. You will get a name(s) of someone you know this buyer likes to work with, and does actually work honestly and ethically.
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Let me suggest the process that I use. I call a couple of "targeted" customers in the area - and ask them to tell me who they feel is the best sales rep calling on them.

    In the market that I serve, many companies use Reps to drive distribution channels. Again, I call the distributors and ask who they like to work with and why.

    You will be surprised at the responses you get.
  • Posted on Member
    On ( you can target your search results to see reps that are calling on schools.

    I would be happy to assist you. I do work for RepHunter.

    Brenda Sorensen
    [Email address and phone number deleted by staff]
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted

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