
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Flooring Pre-spring Sale Event

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have a client who is in the flooring (carpet, hardwood, tile, etc.) business in a small suburb of Milwaukee, WI. She's only been in business for 7 months but she bought a portfolio of clients from a local flooring business who had been around for 25 years. 95% of her clients are consumer/residential. The demographic in the area is white collar with an avg income of $85K.

Most of her competitors are planning their Spring sales for the beginning of April so she's trying to beat the rush by holding an all day "Pre-Spring Sale" on Sat, March 21. I'll be taking care of marketing the event using a combination of PPC, direct and email marketing campaigns. From her perspective, her main differentiators are customer service (certified, knowledgeable staff/installers), selection and price.

I am struggling with the messaging/hook to get people into the store. She has interior designers on staff and she usually offers a 2hr consultation with any flooring purchase....maybe a new, unique promo based on her in-house interior designers? She doesn't have the budget for any splashy HGTV personality style demos so think creative, not expensive.

Any ideas for a hook for the event as well as a catchy name are MUCH appreciated!!!!
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  • Posted byjtileon Accepted
    I work in the flooring industry (in-house marketing for a tile distributor in Western Canada).

    You've got a pretty tight timeline to get this going... here's my suggestions:

    How about a 'Fashion Week' inspired promo - Fashion weeks are usually in the SPRING and FALL? Flooring (especially tile) definately follows major fashion trends we see in clothing. i.e. greys are "in" right now.

    Using our in-house designers services to get your flooring fashionable for summer get togethers...


    Bring us your "DIY DESIGN DISASTER" photos and enter to win _______________ - don't know if this is too negative - but trying to insinuate, leave the designing to our in-house experts, not patching things togehter yourself.

    Hopefully those are helpful or get your creative juices flowing... if I think of anything else, I will post.

  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    Not to be less than helpful, but shouldn't a pre-spring sale happen...well...before spring?
  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    我认为你的想法啊n the in-house interior design consultants is a good one. Can you put together some sort of portfolio on these designers, showcasing their expertise and experience, with some case studies? Can you get or do they have some testimonials about the added value the 2 hour consultation provides? Could you do a quick video or podcast interview with some of the in-house interior designers talking about their approach and how they help clients? This could be posted on the website and You-tube, and you could do an email campaign marketing the event and sending people to the video. You said they always do the 2 hour consultation, so is there some type of bonus that could be added for the one day event to make this even more appealing? As far as a name for the one-day event, I don't have something fabulous at the top of my head, but I think you need to focus on this point of differentiation and the personalized service/added value this interior design consultation provides.
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    The Brewers are looking hot this year. Maybe some tickets? $16 was what I paid for great seats at Miller Park.

  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    I'm in the flooring biz, I maintain a manufacturer rep agency on contract with 8 major manufacturers.

    I often get my dealers to put on "Green Expos". I train them in the green attributes of their products-- My seminar is called "You've got to LEED". LEED is an acronym for Leadership in Engineering and Environmental Design, a green building rating system of the US Green Building Council. Don't bother with the local wanna be's, they just not as credible. You can download and find where flooring contributes points in this system I was one of the founders of the CO Chapter.

    You can tie it into spring with a "get green (grass visual) with green building" expo.

    You can do this in consumer and professional versions. The hooks to get the designers in is to tie it with a CEU accredited presentation-- they love those education points, required to keep their licenses (architects) or membership (IIDA, ASID, etc) valid.

    Keep it going by picking 3 or 4 "green" products featured a month. Make a night "rep night", and they set up demo tables in the showroom. Serve refreshments. Clients go table to table round robin and spend time with the manufacturers. I've done several of these and they draw.

    Every flooring manufacturer has a green story-- some are sexier than others, such as a line I, a line of recycled leather hand stiched by the Amish using trundle sewing machines.

    I just attended a seminar with a 45 minute presentation "the world of cork"-- your reps can demo-- she doesn't need to recreate the wheel. Use the reps, its what we are there for.

    Avoid eco-isolationism -- the new word for "greenwash". So when you have your event, have recycling bins and use reusable dishes (snacks) vs disposable.

    This is easier to do then it sounds. Your clients reps probably do them and they love to present!

    Is she taking advantage of the rebates the yarn manufacturers provide? This will really extend her marketing budget. Stainmaster and Anso pay rebates on purchases in two ways-- a debit card (cash) which is designed for the salesperson. And in advertising dollars. If you have a company that advertises big, full page ads, you'll note the Stainmaster or whatever is shown-- and you know they are big coop users.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Instead of discount, how about bundling? Discount on one thing with purchase of another?

    Discounting is fine, but it just doesn't grab -- customers expect a sale. The book 1001 Ways to Build Retail Excitement is one I often reference. I just think that there are so many ways to create a good clientelle and relationship by being a resource vs just a sale.

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