
Topic: Taglines/Names

Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am after some advice regarding some possible names for a new business I am creating.
The business will focus on coaching and vision boarding (workshops).
Any advice appreciated.
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Bradley,

    Coaching what? Soccer? Rugby? Little league?

    如果你是一个life coach, say so. If you're a mind map maker, say so. But for heaven's sake, make it clear what you're offering. The easier it is to find you, the easier it will be for you to find customers.

    All right. So you're going to be a life coach. Splendid.

    What about your name, man? To whit:

    Lovering Life Coaching

    Don't make it any more complicated than it needs to be. Far too many companies do this and it just makes their lives difficult. It's marketing, not rocket science.

    Just my two cents' worth mind you.

    I hope it helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    你的主要目标受众是谁?在哪里y? What important needs do they have that you can help them address?

    Instead of starting the process with what YOU want to do, shift your focus to identifying your target audience and identifying the problem they're having that you can solve.

    BTW, the more narrowly you can define your target audience the better off you will be. "Small, medium and large companies in Western Europe," for example, is way too broad. Better to make it very specific -- like "small manufacturing companies in/near Geneva who export to South America."

    The idea is to define a market that will not cost a fortune to reach with your message. You're better off with 100% of a small market than 0.01% of a huge one. If you're successful with the first market segment, you can always expand to a larger one, and you won't have to use your marketing resources to cover as many prospects.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Side note to Gary Bloomer, who wrote "... it's marketing, not rocket science."

    In many ways, I think marketing is much more difficult than rocket science. Rocket science requires linear thinking, is highly scientific and structured, and actions lead to highly predictable outcomes. The number of independent variables is relatively limited.

    Marketing, on the other hand, is both art and science. It requires advanced analytical skills using a wide range of data from disparate sources, creativity, ability to transfer learnings from seemingly different "experiments," and a moving target in terms of consumer and customer needs. It's part psychology, part advanced statistics, part communication, and taps into all four brain quadrants.

    Net, "it's marketing" should mean "it's a lot more than rocket science."

    (That said, the core of your advice is still sound. We don't need to make the challenge more than it really is.)
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Dear Michael,

    Good point about my "... it's marketing, not rocket science." quote.
    Quite right. Marketing IS art and science. It IS difficult to grasp, and it's so easy to screw up.

    My point about rocket science was meant metaphorically, not literally. But so often, it's seen as the other way around: incredibly complex.

    What's needed is common sense added to business needs, meeting people's problems with direct answers where it's believed the complex answer is essential. It isn't.

    We are both on the same page, on the same line, looking at the same letters in the same word.

    I hope this clarifies my view, and thank you for making the case about art and science. I agree wholeheartedly.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Accepted
    Try this site:

    Best regards,
    Mark Michelson
    Atlanta, GA

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