
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Mindbody Wellness Practice

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need help coming up with a tag line for an integrative mindbody wellness (aka stress management) practice that also incorporates psychological services (therapy/psychoeducation). We will focus on prevention and treatment.

I want something professional (owner/founder is a psychologist) and soothing; when you read it I want potential clients to feel and think to themselves, this is a place I can be nurtured, grow, feel/become empowered, can get personalized attention, and that the staff all really care. I also want the tag line to be appealing to women.
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    how about ...

    calm - regenerative - joyful
  • Posted on Author
    我计划有一个电脑公司或有限责任公司后e name. What I'm looking for is a tag line that suggests a lifestyle approach to mindbody wellness (stress management). Also, I want it to sound inviting, professional, and I hope I don't offend anyone, but not New Agey. Nothing is wrong with that type of business, it's simply that that's not the type I'm creating.

    Maybe I need to rephrase the question title: tagline for professional psychological mindbody wellness (aka stress management) practice
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    The Cure For Modern Stress
    Destress Your Life. Energize Your Future.
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Member
    Invest in Your Comfort & Joy!
  • Posted byrakesh_sethia80on Accepted
    You May Try These:

    "Comfort Yourself"
    "Stress Hates This Place"
    "Come, Relax, Forget The Stress"
    "Because You Need Peace Of Mind"
    "We Make Your Life Stress-Free"

  • Posted on Author
    I think we are getting somewhere. I am seeing possible taglines that "feel" better for what my business is about. I prefer ones without the word "stress" in them, in part because I've found far too many people don't really understand what stress is and part of what I do is to educate clients about it. However, Rakesh, your "stress hates this place" is catchy and doesn't fit into the category of what I just said.

    I'm going to sit with these suggestions and make a decision soon.

    Thanks everyone, your suggestions/advice have all been great and really helpful. I've been struggling with this for a while and only by chance or synchronicity, stumbled onto this site.
  • Posted on Member
    What is the name of your business?
  • Posted on Author
    Name of business: The Brinkley Center
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Using the word "stress," even in a way that says you can reduce/eliminate it, is a bad idea. You don't want that word associated with your business name.

    Remember that people will not parse and analyze your tagline the way you and we would. They'll just let it shape the way they remember your business name ... almost as a subliminal association. "I felt reassured that The Brinkley Center could help me relax ..."

    It would be good if you can find an end-end-benefit as the core of your message, rather than just telling people what you do or how they'll feel after they've written you a check. Example: "Your friends and family will appreciate and love you more ..."
  • Posted on Author
    HI Everyone,

    Thanks for all the great suggestions and advice. They were very helpful and thought provoking.

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