
Topic: Student Questions

Illustrate The Core Concept Of Target Msrketing

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
i want to know the core concept of target marketing with example
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    hi anujbajoria,

    welcome to KHE,

    target marketing is tailoring a marketing mix to specfic customers.

    target marketing is not mass marketing which is the "shot gun" approach. which is when you try to be all thing to all people.

    in target markrting you you are not limited to a small segment, it is onlu limited to farliy "homogeneous"(similer) ones.

    a very large segment , even sometimes called the "mass market" may be farily "homogeneous" and you may target it deliberatly.

    例如,一个非常大的群父母哟ung children is a homogeneous on many levels, including attitudeds about changing nappies. In austriala alone, this group spends $425 million dollars a year on dispoable nappies. this is a major target for compaines like kimberly-Clark (Huggies,Snugglers and VIP's) and Proctor &Gamble( Pampers)

    the main reason for foucsing on a specfic target group is to gain a competative advantage by developing a more satifying marketing mix( the 4p's price, place, promation. product).

    For example: the University of Technology, Sydney, attracts Chinese students that english is not good enough to be accepted into a normal MBA progam, instead they offer a MBA cousre taught in Manderin.

    Another example would be the Commonwealth Bank. it has developed "Comsec", which offers online trading of securities. this targets investors who want the security of dealing with a company with a trusted name and the convenience of being able to trade online.

    try this site

    also have a look at these search results i got from google they should help you

    hope this helps
    have a nice day


  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Member
    Please tell us what you think. We have to prepare for clients.
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    On behalf of my colleagues, please accept a few pieces of advice on the best use of this forum to help on your assignment.

    First, let me recommend that you click theImportant Guidelineslink on the right side of this page. Orclick here.

    The whole KHE community helped establish those guidelines. Pay close attention to item FIVE regarding student questions.

    Please do not think of us as a homework service or a free research service. Most of us are working professionals, and we volunteer our time to offer students constructive criticism, help shape perspectives, and provide guidance if a student has hit a roadblock or a dead end.

    You will get MUCH more feedback and advice from us if YOU tell US how YOU would describe the core concept for target marketing.

    This is a professional forum and we are most happy to mentor students who demonstrate a solid work effort and come here to seek counsel and guidance.

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