
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For Property Management Company

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I currently have a successful real estate company called Downs&CO. I am expanding my services to included property management & need help coming up with a catchy tagline. Property management can be a big headache & pain in the butt. I want potential clients to feel a sense of relief when they see our ad & truly feel like we can take the pain out of the process. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Posted byMktgDirectorNCon Accepted
    I read your question and it really depends on what your goals are and how large you are wanting to grow your property management portfolio. If you are wanting to expand your business in a major way I would separate Downs & Co. from your "property management". You could operate under a different business name, which will help you market both the real estate, and your property management. The way you would market yourself as a real estate agent, and a property management firm are two separate ways.

    My suggestion would be to start Downs Residential, or Downs Residential Group, which would be a subsidiary of Downs & Co. I would also advise a mission statement on the back of your card outlining what your goal is for the property management company. This will be more effective than a tag line, because it will outline your expertise, and will reinforce what you will do for your client. Separating the two companies will also make you seem larger, with more resources to pull from.

    I work in marketing for a large residential management company and it's really important to let your clients know that the managing of what is probably their largest asset, is your top priority. Separating the two, will convey that message to them. Hope that helps!

  • Posted on Author

    我有一个专业的营销公司,我支付a substantial amount to do an extensive yearly campaign that far surpasses anything in my area. I'm known for my marketing but unfortunately I really don't think they've come up with anything that really captures the potential clients yet. My husband has been in property management for years in another city & we are trying to figure out a way to piggy back on my success & local brand. We have the content for the ad but I really was hoping to find something that really hit home with investors & homeowners.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    We manage the renters while you enjoy your winters.
    Go to bed. We'll answer the tenant's call.
    Get them in. Keep them happy. Get them out. Repeat.
    We'll answer the call.
    We take the hassle out of renting your castle.
    Receive a check while we handle the wreck.
    We're tough on renters but sweet to owners.
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    Let me be the bad guy.
    We do move ins and move outs so you can move on.
    Put a deposit on your peace of mind.
    Get peace of mind from your piece of property.
    Earn more income with less insanity.
  • Posted byMktgDirectorNCon Accepted
    I agree with Phil on this, that it is going to take much more than a tag line to accomplish your goal. You'll have to be very careful in picking one, making sure it emphasizes the property management part, all the while not isolating the potential renters who also may see the ad. One that mentions anything about hassle, or being tough on renters will backfire in a major way. Renters are very aware of the property management firms that they rent from.

    With the ad, your professional marketing company should be able to come up with something that fits your needs, it concerns me that they are not able to do so. I work for one of the largest property management firms in the U.S., and part of my job is to write, and design the ads. So, if I were your ad firm, I'd come up with an ad that showcases both your real estate and your husbands previous management experience, ex: testimonials. I'd also play the angle of "personal experience", since you will be starting out small, and are trying to gain properties.

    Let me know if you need more ideas, or have questions. I'd love to help.


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