
Topic: Website Critique

Critique Our Shirt Web Site

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I would like some critique on my shirt web site.

Please rate over all ease of navigation, look, style, layout, content, and anything else you can think of. All comments are welcome!

Thank you,
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    Too wide for my monitor, and I have 1024 x 768 reslution.

    I think you're wasting all of that valuable real estate at the top.
  • Posted bymelissa con Accepted
    I agree that's there a lot of wasted real estate at the top. It feels like a site that's up today, gone tomorrow so I think you need to work on building some credibility with your audience. How?
    - Contact us: an address of any sort? (font is way too large by the way)
    - Security: how do I know my order is secure?
    - Main column: too many exclamation points; plus, if you only have 15 shirts, I don't think it's that important that you can sort them. Instead maybe talk about the quality of the shirts or something important to your customer (and again in a smaller font)
    - Sell the idea of your community more... I see you're using JomSocial which is a great platform. But you need to tell the reader why they'd want to join another social community... what's in it for them?
    - About: As for the content that's already up, the About page has some grammatical errors (ex. it's not its) and is really vague. If I'm buying from you and giving you payment information, I want to know who you are. How did you get started? What's the name about (it's catchy so maybe explain it a bit)? I think you can be fun, yet professional but you've got to say something about the company, which it doesn't do.

    I hope this helps you out!
  • 贴在 Accepted
    I agree with melissa c, if you only have 15 items - you shouldn't be announcing how you can search: it doesn't matter yet - and is kind of misleading. I was disappointed to see there were only 15 designs.

    The site looks a little too "wordpress" on the homepage. It looks kind of bare. But once you click-thru to the shirt details...its great. But is the site unfinished? When I clicked thru to the basket - the section just appeared blank.

    One little thing on your "Contact Us" page - its not FaceBook - its Facebook. :)

    Cheers! And good luck!
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Joshua,

    Hmm. First impressions are that you're selling a Facebook log in site.
    You need an image of the shirts you're selling up front and above the fold.

    Were I in the market to buy t-shirts I'd click off your site swiftly because it fails to meet my initial visual needs.

    You need a block of contextual text telling visitors what's in their visit for them. You need more than 15 designs. You need some kind of compelling offer. You need to look at, not to copy them, but to see how a t-shirt site ought to be done.

    Involve people. Give them options. Give them a reason to return.
    Give them a reason to give you their e-mail address so that you can offer cross sells and upsells.

    Why should anyone buy from you?

    Show people the goods for God's sake! If you can't do these things you're not going to make any money. Sorry to be blunt here but you've got to know these things.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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