
Topic: E-Marketing

Company Background Suggestions On Website

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We recently launched a redesigned website. My company supplies printed forms, lesson plan books, receipt books, and related items to schools. Our website is located atwww.supremeschoolsupply.comand the redesign of the site has been live for about five weeks.

I am seeing a greatly improved traffic flow and also better SEO that my old site, with lots of new visitors. We are averaging about 10 page views per visitor, and my order conversion rate is much higher than national averages for actual orders placed on the site compared to site visits.

What I find interesting is that we have very little traffic to the About section of our website relative to the rest of the pages on the website, with only about 1% or less of our site visitors viewing pages in the About Us section. I am thinking that may be due to several possibilities, but am interest in other opinions:

1. It is obvious from the home page what we do and people are conformable enough to place orders.

2. About pages of the site have not yet achieved full indexing and positioning in the search engines.

3. Site visitors are focused on finding product and prices, for our types of products that are consumable they are not as concerned about the background of the company.

4. Since we have been around for about 50 years, nearly all the site visitor know who are are already.

Note also the main About page has very low bounce (0%) and exit ratings (about 8%), so when people land on that page they are getting engage in the content.

Any thoughts on the About section or how to improve? I am wondering if I need to restructure those pages, or just minimize them and enjoy my excellent order conversion rates.
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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    1. It is obvious from the home page what we do and people are conformable enough to place orders.

    My answer is yes in a general way. However the site does not look like it was designed by a professional graphic designer, and it would be better if it did. Good designers usually cost more and they are worth every penny. Since you just redesigned the site, you probably should see how things go for a few months, get feedback from customers regarding first impressions and possible improvements. Then at the right time, do some research on great graphic design and get a few proposals from great graphic designers.

    hope this helps,

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Member
    also your "about" tab is too far to the right, it gets lost over there. move it to just right of "home" and things will improve :)
  • Posted byClive Fernandeson Accepted
    Dear Steve,

    I am going to have to disagree with the comments of my colleague. Primarily because of that old maxim, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    What you have described is a website that is doing exactly what you meant for it, giving you sales. The "About Us" page has no place in the sales process and if its being ignored, so be it. As you said, everybody knows what your company does, so you have no reason to force them to read your about page.

    If the primary goal of your website was to establish the presence of your company in a new market, then you might have wanted to increase the exposure of your About page. However it is clear that this is not the case here.

    I feel the design of your website is simple, professional and does the job; do not change it.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    People don't really care about your company - they care for what your company can do for them. Having an About section is enough for people to know that they can find out more about you, should they want to. But most people are searching out products, and apparently finding them easily.

    Quick suggestion. In Firefox, your "Quick Product Search" title is truncated (the green banner cuts through the word SEARCH).
  • Posted byClive Fernandeson Member
    "People don't really care about your company - they care for what your company can do for them."

    I think this line by Jay says it all! :)

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