
Topic: Taglines/Names

Event Company Name

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello, my name is Ashley. I'm an event planning student going into my final year. I have always worked in the hospitality industry and now I work in film. I return to school in a month and I would love nothing more than to register my business before I am back in class.

I have a variety of interests when it comes to the types of events I would like to plan. I would love to plan: fashion and film events, publicity events, weddings, retreats, etc.

I have been brainstorming for a few weeks now and I can't seem to come up with a name that is sophisticated but without it sounding cheesy. I would rather have consulting in the name so that I can use it for film and event coordination. I was playing around with the name Illustrious Consulting but I'm not overly keen on it.

Hoping for some insight, thanks for your help.


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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon 成员
    Make it easy for people to figure out what you do....
    Which I believe is Events...

    I like the idea of consulting being part of the plan.

    Here are a couple of thoughts...

    Event Consulting Services

    Illustrius Event Consulting

  • Posted byburnbergon 成员
    Ashley Smith - The Event Planner: Consultations

    Ashley Smith - Conceptual Event Planning

  • Posted byprerna.arvindon Accepted
    Some suggestions:

    * Spectacular Event Management : Leave it to the

    * Dreamz Event Management : You dream it ,we
    deliver it....

    * MidasTouch Event Mangement: for golden events....

    * MidasMagic Event Management: Your events are in

    * ThinkTank Event Mangement : we put our hearts and
    minds into your events..

    * Unicorn Event Mangement: We perceive, plan and deliver.

    * FullCirlcle Event Management : Events

    You can interchange the names and taglines suggested above to what suits you best.

  • Posted on Author
    I just wanted to thank everyone for their responses thus far.

    Frank Hurtte:
    I am liking Illustrious Event Consulting.

    Phil Grisolia:
    Thank you for your suggestions, much appreciated.

    I like where you're going with my name and then the company name to follow. This seems like a great way to get both your name and business name recognized. Thank you!

    I really like where you're going as well. Thank you for your help.

    Prerna Arvind:
    我热衷于two of the tag lines you suggested: we put our hearts and minds into your events & Events perceived.planned.delivered.
  • Posted on 成员
    Hi, Ashley!

    Thanks, for checking-in with our wonderful community of marketing geeks! ;O)

    I love the intelligence shown on this page. Nonetheless, I've chosen to zig where everyone else seems to be zagging! Hahaha!

    Why not . . .

    Spiked Punch, Inc.
    Events Consultation by Ashley Smith

    Makes sense?

    Let me know! :D

    Sunshine & Blessings,

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