
Topic: Advertising/PR

Lead Generation

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Hello everybody. I am working as Business Development Executive for an ERP product. I am looking at freelancers who can generate leads for the ERP product. The product is suitable for SME segment. South India will be a ideal location. But geography is not a constrain. We can reward you financially once the deal is closed. I am also looking for tele callers who can call companies to generate leads.
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  • Posted bytelemoxieon Member
    I see that you have not had any takers for freelance cold calling on commission.

    I had spent more than a dozen years as a freelance contract telemarketing guy. Sorry I did not get a chance to respond to this question while it was open, but I would be more than happy to discuss this further by e-mail. If you would like to communicate further, click on my profile and send me an e-mail. By the way, I have no interest whatsoever in a straight commission telemarketing arrangement.

    Also, you might consider signing up for a free membership & up for the telemarketing group. That group seems to me to be much more specialized on telemarketing than this forum is.

    Good luck.

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