
Topic: Taglines/Names

Move In Mom, Nanny Service

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Move in Mom is the name I have come up with for my new nanny service, I will provide household management and respectful loving child care while parents are on vacation, business trips or in need due to illness. Parents can be rest assured that the children will be well cared for and all their activities attended to. The service will include all duties of a mom and not limited to just child care. Need a tag line and any feed back on the name would be appreciated. Thanks, Andra
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member
    Hello Abbwelch and welcome to the forum.

    Maybe when you get time you could introduce yourself by completing your profile some more, so we know who we are talking to. Just a thought.

    Anyway, I have some immediate concerns about your chosen business name. You're configuring a highly emotional product/service with your new business and I'm not too sure that Moms, Dads, or children will be ready to call you Mom just yet, or, perhaps, never.

    How much research have you done to establish whether this name will fly with the intended market?

    Also, you are suggesting that you would move in while parents are away on business, vacation or ill. Vacation?

    Do parents really take vacations without their children? That idea really surprises me, not something I would have ever contemplated as a normal situation. Not unless it was a once in a lifetime event and a family member, grandparents, for example, would be the stand-in carers for the duration. I don't know, maybe things are different wherever you are.

    Let's suppose that the need is more around parental illness and business trips for the purpose of this response. I feel that families looking for temporary, resident carers to look after their child at what is probably an emotionally stressful time for both parents and child/ren. What they will be looking for is a stand-in in-home child care service that sounds very safe, secure and is backed by some kind of official stamp of approval.

    The legal (Latin) term for what you would be doing is In Loco Parentis. Depending on the language spoken where you are, that might be a useful starting point, although I recall Loco means crazy in Spanish, so take care with that. It triggers in mind an idea for a tagline which might work:

    "When you can't be there, we can, and we care"

    I think the way to describe what you are doing is "In-home, live-in child care service". Too verbose for a business name. How about"Nanny on Call"? or "Short-term full-time Nanny service".

    Generally speaking, I think the term Nanny is safer for both parties, because it is emotionally a bit more arm's length than calling yourself Mom.

    The name "Move-In Mom" reminds me of that chilling movie, "The hand that rocks the cradle". Not a good advertisement for your chosen profession.

    Hope that helps.


  • Posted on Author
    ChrisB, I was not logged in, so now I see how to respond, Here is my email posted.
    Thanks for your response on my question, you raise a good point about the name, may have to tweek that abit. I am not sure how to post my response, could you advise on that,
    I did see you are from Austrailia and i know from friends of mine that they always take their children along, Here in wealthier parts of America is is common practice to leave your children at home and vacation as a couple. I know many people who do this yearly. I will update my profile, Thank you. Andra
  • Posted on Author
    Phil, Maybe "Doing everything a parent would do"
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Name ideas:
    * Not Home Alone
    * Mom In-A-Pinch

    Tagline idea:
    * Your Home. Your Children. We Care.

    As for "Move in Mom" it connotes to me a long-term relationship, something you may or may not want to target.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all who gave me their input, I got alot of good ideas, and used your suggestions in my email description of my service.

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