
Topic: Student Questions

Topic For A Marketing Research?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
we will conduct our marketing research on our univ. Our prof. told us to search for our possible problem as long as it is related to marketing? e.g the effect of advertising to the sales profitability. I hope that you can give me an interesting topic. thanks
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    "I hope that you can give me an interesting topic." I could give you a dozen interesting topics off the top of my head that are interesting to me, but would BOREyouto tears! YOU need to pick a topic that's interesting to YOU. If not, your research project will be pure drudgery and you will hate it and you will learn nothing from it.

    If you don't know, you might ask your professor, but there are probably three purposes for this project: First, obviously, you will learn something about the topic you pick. OK, learning is always good. Second, and more important, you will learn how to do research! This is vital in the marketing field! And third, you will acquire a new perspective and love for marketing. This reason is pure gold for you!

    So, spend some time thinking about what you know about marketing. As you said, things like "advertising effect on sales profitability or effects of position of displays on consumer sales in stores or how colors affect consumer demand in packaging. Let your mind wonder to a question that you've always wanted to know the answer to: Why do they do _____? Do some preliminary library work to see what resources are around that you can use to research the topic. Find something that energizes you, not would be interesting reading for your professor. He's read everything once at least already - likely, you're not going to find anything that impresses him into giving you a passing grade. And the grade isn't about the topic, but the way you researched it and organized your report - how you demonstrated your understanding of the process of research and the craft of marketing.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    yeah! your right thanks Sir,
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted

    Much like Wayde, I could give you a list of topics I find interesting that would be as long as your leg (and then some). But as to whether YOU'd find them of interest, well, that's another thing entirely.

    Personally, and with regard to most of the student questions I've come across and answered over the last few months, I take issue not with students asking questions—because if you don't ask questions, you're never going to learn anything—no.

    I take issue with student professors.

    They need to give you more direction, clearer instructions, and set you up to succeed.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
