
Topic: Taglines/Names

Punch Line For Mobile Application Development

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
If I want to create a short Punch line for Mobile Application Development what it can be...?

pls suggest
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    The tagline could be "Just do it," but that one's taken. Or it could be "The mobile application development with no name or defined purpose" but that probably wouldn't help it sell.

    The point is you haven't provided enough information to go on here. Without a name or what it does, the tagline for your application development is random and could be anything and most likely, that would be wrong. Please provide more to go on. What have you called the product? What is its function?

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted byMarkitekon Accepted
    Understanding what you do isn't tough: you're likely making a mobile app development platform, which has a number of inherent characteristics: quality of the toolset, support for a range of SDKs, development language and so on. Your next step is try to figure out what's important to the market: here, you can piggyback on the research done by the biger players, as well as all the Open Source platforms that are out there. Generically, developers want something that is painless, quick, reliable and so forth: in other words, they want to be able to build mobile apps with as little hand coding as possible, with a lot of debugging tools at their disposal, good version management and the like.

    But at the the heart of it you're creating an environment whose primary mission is to reduce the cost and time to market which is the source of profit in the s/w biz.

    My first instinct is to play around with a "shortest distance between points" approach. This could manifest itself with something along the lines of

    The Fast Track to Profitability
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  • Posted on Author
    This is true Markitek.

    My concern is to persuade organizations to get mobile applications developed from our company for whatever platform.
  • Posted byMarkitekon Accepted
    That's the other possibility . . . that you're a development team providing app services. Here you have to remember that your customer is going to be concerned about whether it will be done well, and whether it will be headache-free for them (the profitability of it, since it's very likely their product and functional specs you're working from is their responsibility). So, what appeals to them? Now you're working in the same model as a home builder. With builders, you care less about their carpentry skills and more about their knowledge of how to build a home efficiently, on time, on budget, with all the work up to building regulations etc. Same with you. Your clients will assume you're a good coder: they want to know that you can design, develop, test and implement their product vision without foul ups, and crashes and so on.

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    Well, something along those lines anyway. In other words, don't focus on how good your programming team is. Focus on how easy you'll make the development process for them.

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