
Topic: Taglines/Names

Seminar Title Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a financial services company that sponsors investment seminars to gain new clients. We would like to develop an attention grabbing seminar title.

Our target market are High Net Worth investors aged 55 - 70, both retired and nearing retirement.

The goal of the seminar is to teach the average investor what it is that the wealthy do differently than most others. Our investment program mimics the investment tactics of the Harvard and Yale endowment funds and is utilized by more sophisticated investors.
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Before you go crazy with the Harvard / Yale Story, I would recommend that you read the latest news...

    Both Universities have been forced to reduce critical programs based on negative growth in their endowment accounts. Harvard was forced to lay off 275 people (ouch).

    Read Here:

    Here an bit from another article: "For the endowment, the losses were a stunning rebuke of investment strategies that in previous years had produced tremendous gains, and made the fund's managers the envy of the university endowment world. Now though, Harvard Management's new chief, Jane Mendillo, said she is adopting a number of changes, including hiring new investment managers and revamping how the fund looks for investment ideas" Read the rest here:

  • Posted on Author
    Yes, we are aware of how the credit crises of last year affected the performance numbers. Still, Yale and Harvard both beat the S&P 500 by over 3 full percentage points from 1985 through 2009 - with less volatility.

    The investment strategies have not been a "stunning rebuke" as the article claims. It would be akin to saying that Warren Buffett can't pick stocks anymore.

    Regardless, the endowments follow a strict investment program that most individual investors do not. That is the key.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon 成员
    Please accept my appologies if I seemed critical of the strategy. My point was centered on marketing. With recent high profile negative news in the air, I would be wary of using Harvard and Yale in the promotion.

    Many of your target audience members most likely have seen the same headline. Is there another example you could use that hasn't had negative press?
  • Posted on Author
    Hey Frank, no need to apologize! Our desire is to grab attention with something most investors have never heard before or that evokes a strong sense of curiosity.

    The old line "How to save on taxes" spiel quite simply isn't working anymore.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Why not, "How Wealthy People Invest Differently Than You!" or "What The Wealthy Know About Investing" or simply, "Invest Like The Wealthy Do".

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