
Topic: Advertising/PR

Press Conference

发布的Anonymous on 25 Points
Good morning!

I am working at the PR office of a Company with dermoceutical cosmetics (cosmetics that are usually recommended by doctors). We want to present some new cosmetics, special for oily skin (cleanser, cream, lotion, mask) to the Beauty Editors of national mags, newspapers, etc.
But i have run off creative and smart ideas for the presentation (a special theme)!

any ideas please????

thank you in advance!
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  • 发布的Chris Blackmanon Member
    I suppose you thought of (and rejected)?

    Just what the doctor ordered

    You could use models dressed up as nurses (I know, it's a male fantasy thing).
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you very much for your response.

    It would be very easy for me to use doctors, nurses, etc to create a theme, but i can not. our products are not strictly used or recommended by doctors but they can also be suggested by dermatologists, gynaecologists and paediatrics because of their best quality. But certainly they are not medical products, but not even ''luxury'' cosmetics just for treatment. We are in the middle of cosmetology & medicine.

    Additionally, models are not easy to be used because of the low budget (the usual problem) and it is doesn't go together with the philosophy of the company.

    I just need to come up with an idea, to create a theme, on which will be based the video of the presentation.
  • Posted on Member
    A few questions first:

    1. Would you categorize these products as 'cosmeceuticals' or 'skinceuticals?' You're not actually selling any makeup, so it sounds like mostly skincare treatments for oily skin or acne-prone skin.

    2. Do they contain only natural ingredients, or any "certified organic" ingredients?

    3. What, exactly, IS the philosophy of the company? Is it unique?

    4. If it's not a 'luxury' brand, how would you categorize it?

  • Posted on Author
    1. These products are skinceuticals.

    2. These products are unique, because are specially formulated using pharmaceutical pure raw materials (and not raw materials for cosmetics).

    3. to create and offer products that will help us solve various problems (acne, hair loss, etc) but also products that 'boost' skin healthiness. Not to have luxury products which offer 'the hope to become beautiful' but offer healthiness, and a result to achieve beauty.

    4. In the middle of luxury brands and brands selled in super-markets. I also forgot to say that are selled in Pharmacies.

  • Posted on Accepted
    If you're using pharmaceutical-grade ingredients that repair or improve the quality of the users' skin AND they're sold in pharmacies AND you don't need a prescription to purchase them AND they cost less than a monthly mortgage payment, AND men can use them, too - then those are pretty good 'hooks' for the beauty editors of publications that would cater to your target market(s).

    Hope that helps.

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