
Topic: Advertising/PR

我们办公室隆重开幕In New City

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
我们有我们的总部搬到罗利,数控want to have a grand opening event in November to get our name in the community, network, and to team build with our employees. Our company is a service provider to retail companies, providing new store set ups, and merchandising services along with mystery shopping and auditing services. Being that we market business to business, how should we handle our grand opening to make it a successful and fun event?
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    Have you considered an open house or cocktail party for area businesses in your target market? These would provide ways to gather many business prospects in one place -- show/tell them how you can help boost their businesses, give them some freebies by which to remember you, and show them examples of the work you've done and the successes that emerged as a result.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Press releases coupled with an open house.

    Invite the Mayor & council or what have you. If they show, that'll help with press coverage.

    Don't forget to invite the Chamber of Commerce. You might give them a call to help schedule around potential time conflicts. They'll have all kinds of ways to interface with you.

    Chamber members will help in several ways. You may pick up some clients directly AND they'll help spread word of mouth.
  • Posted on Author
    You are correct, we do operate on a national scale and target retailers throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico. However, we do have a segment of our business that focuses on shopper insights, auditing, and reporting that can target the local community (such as automobile dealerships, convenience stores, franchises, etc). We also really want to get our name in the community and build our networking base. North Carolina is home for several large retailers who we also plan on inviting.
    We are member of the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce and do plan on advertising our grand opening with them and the local business journal.
    I'm looking for creative ideas to generate excitement and interest in coming to the grand opening event and to make it successful.
    Thank you for the great feedback!!

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