
Topic: Strategy

I Need To Make Our Restaurant Busy Need Cash Float

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi we are a young couple with 1 little boy and another one on the way .
we own a 52 seater italian restaurant wich is quiet popular but some out still not makeit enough money every week is a strugle to find money .our quality is very good and we are very passionate, we are trying to find way to increase revenue but with no much money to spare is impossible please help!!!!!!
many thanks
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    its all about incremental sales:
    1) are you selling apetizers?
    2) are you selling deserts?
    3) are you selling carry outs?
    4) are you booking weeknights?
    5) are you selling up-scale wines, liquor, a shot of grappa, a coffee with liquor?
    6) are you selling anything special for an Italian Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    A couple more questions to add to Frank's excellent list:
    Is the restaurant seen as a place just for special events/weekend celebrations, or is it family-oriented?
    Do you have quick to-go lunch menu?
    Do you have contact information for your customers (to offer them a frequent dining program special)?
  • Posted on Accepted
    In addition to all the good advice above...

    Are YOU "working the floor" ?

    Circulating amongst your guests asking them how they like the food, the service ? If their answers are positive, ask them if they will recommend you to their friends. If the answers are marginal, ask what you can do to "improve their dining experience NEXT time they come in". If the answers are complaints, FIX IT !

    This activity costs NOTHING and it will tell you a LOT about what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. Most of all, it shows your patrons that YOU care...

    This is simply a "market test" and you know what they say about THAT ! Test, test, test and re-test...

    DO NOT get complacent. ALWAYS be looking for ways to improve. With restaurants, the devil is in the details!

    One more suggestion... If you have a "Tip Line" on your bank card receipts, review the percentage of the total bill that your patrons are tipping. This will tell you a lot about the level of service your wait staff is providing.

    Good luck... Ciao...
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted

    Where is this restaurant?

    这将是有趣的对我们几个在提高工作your revenue for a kind of case study. But we'd need to be nearby to your location so we could actually help you work on your product as well as your marketing.

    But with a community this size, there's bound to be a couple of us close by.


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