
Topic: E-Marketing

Ad Banner Income

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is the usual amount, a person earns when someone clicks on an ad banner on their website?
I understand that there are variances, but I would like to know the range of income, and why it can vary.
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear David,

    How long is a piece of string? Where do flies go in winter? If a man hears a tree fall in the woods and no one else hears it, is he still wrong?

    And so on.

    But seriously. The answer to your question is: it depends. On?


    What the banner is for.

    Where the banner takes the person that clicks on it or what the banner does.

    The number of clicks for any given time period.

    The arrangement you have with the banner's originator. Are you on a commission per click, per sale per click, per action per click, and so on.

    With cost per acquisition (or cost per action) banners the stakes can vary from a few dollars or even a few pennies to literally hundreds of dollars PER CLICK!

    So often, it can depend on the value the banner might have to the originator of the banner.

    But before you get all misty eyed with visions of piles of cash, there are other factors to consider:

    Which site the banner is on.

    How many visitors visiting the site the banner is on are interested in whatever the banner is for.

    Visibility. Attractiveness. Clarity. Tone of voice. Colour. Copy. Compulsion factor. Offer. Deadline. Reason why.

    Do people actually GIVE a crap about the banner in question?

    Me? I'm not a huge fan of banners. And I am NOT alone in this.

    There is something called "banner blindness" that, once it kicks in, renders most banners utterly invisible. The banner in question could be for a topless girlie show with a trumpet playing parrot conducting an umpah band as a soundtrack and most people STILL wouldn't notice it.

    Why? Relevance dear chap. Relevance.

    Banners look like ADS! Gasp! Shock! Horror! And to your average punter, ads is WORK! Dearie me, all that visual litter cluttering up the screen? No, it will not do! So people tend to ignore them.

    Tell me, do you watch TV?

    I don't know about you but when I'm watching TV, when the ads come on, 95 percent of the time I mute the sound, or at least significantly decrease the volume because unless the ads feature something I'm interested in, my mind screams "IGNORE!"—and I work in marketing! So imagine how the people who DON'T work in marketing feel when the ads interrupt THEIR show?

    But textual links? Different ball game. And it's for this reason that product placement is becoming bigger and bigger. Textual and contextual placement of goods, services, and products is marketing stealth—it's ninja advertising—it's silent, but it still has an impact.

    Ninja marketing helps to build relationships and it's these connections that ultimately lead to long term growth.


    Because relationships that are based on trust creation and
    value delivery last over time, which means they create the marketer's Holy Grail: loyalty.

    I hope this helps you.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted on Accepted
    Join "Commission Junction" and review what others are paying for a similar link...
  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    CPM - 3 to 6$ per thousand displays
    CPC - 0.1 - 0.5 per click
    CPL - many factors from 0.25 for an email address only up to $25 or more for a qualified lead.

    THese days, few advertisers are willing to pay CPM and most are only looking for CPL (pay based on results).

    but there are alwats deals and inventory remnants that can be picked up on the cheap depending upon how bust the maeket is.

    Factors to check are - what site is the banner shown in? relevance of the audioence for the advertiser.

    ie: i'm selling medical equipment, then I am likely to pay more for my advertising on specific medical sites than I do on Yahoo general audience sites.

    寻找广告客户有n affinity with your audience.

    If you are looking to make a profitable business based on display revenies only? then forget it.

    make sure that your core revenue is coming from another source and consider display revenues as a little bit of add on cream :)

    UNless you are facebook :)))

    Good luck,

  • Posted byClive Fernandeson Accepted
    Dear David,

    As Gary mentioned, it really depends on a whole range of factors. You can get from 0.001 to 5$ per click from an ad, banner or otherwise.

    However since you've asked the question, I'll just drop my adsense stats here so it might give you an idea of the worth of traffic. My network consists of sports oriented sites.

    I'm getting a click thru rate of 3% on my pages with a eCPM of 2.01$

    Hope this helps

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting

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