
Topic: Branding

Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a wine retailer with a ton of passion for the business and I am trying to create a tag line that will describe that. Most of the wine retailers have lost the passion for wine and only concentrate in ratings or reviews and not in what is in the bottle.
Here we go:
The Wine List of Summit
Tag line
it's about wine..........
Knowledge inspired by passion..
Please let me know what you think? thanks

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  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
    In Passionate Persuit of the Best Wine.
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    A few thoughts:

    "We treat wine as the ultimate passion fruit"

    "Passionate about wine and your individual taste"

    "Educated passionate proprietor of wines"

  • Posted on Author
    I am a wine retailer with a ton of passion for the business and I am trying to create a tag line that will describe that. Most of the wine retailers have lost the passion for wine and only concentrate in ratings or reviews and not in what is in the bottle.
    Here we go:
    The Wine List of Summit
    Tag line
    it's about wine..........
    Knowledge inspired by passion..
    Please let me know what you think? thanks

  • Posted byRaymondon Member
    The Wine List of Summit - Passion you can taste

    I like the double meaning that is conveys.
    - Passion that translate into careful selection of wines that the customer benefits from when consuming them
    - Passion that you can "taste" when attending Wine school and events.


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