
Topic: Student Questions

Learnings From The Past

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Dear Experts

I'm a student and need your help... I spent already much time with google to find something but I wasn't sucessful. I would like to compare two or more similar companies who established an internet business in the past. I need to write a document which includes why some failed and why some had sucess including the learnings and conclusion's. (related to marketing not in general)
Which companies should I compare ?
Where can I find (free) articles and research papers ?
What are your experiences ?

Thank you in advance !

Best regards,

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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Member
    Hi Compilot.

    For case studies of failures it is hard to beat the information you will get if you purchase a copy of:

    "F'd Companies: Spectacular Dot-Com Flameouts"
    by Philip J. Kaplan

    It's not free, but a used copy will only cost you $1.98 at Amazon, with shipping being another $3-$4.

    There might even be a copy at your local megabookstore, you can buy a cappuccino and read it there.

    You can also check out the website at:

    www.f* the * with the vowel that comes after "o")

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Others have mentioned That was one that came to my mind as a failure, but finding a good similar company to show as a success story may be hard. Could always use Amazon, but there are enough differences between the two that make it hard to compare/contrast.

    Thinkmor mentioned Excite@Home. That one could work for you. They competed with Yahoo, so the two can be used (and data likely found). I plugged both "excite@home case study" and "yahoo case study" into Google and came up with a variety of potentially good sources.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Member
    另一个选择可能会限制你的比较to publicly traded companies, and download the 10-Ks of a few companies. A failed DotCom will have to explain to their investors they did with the millions of dollars, and go into detail about what went wrong... the information needs to be comprehensive and accurate, otherwise folks get in serious trouble. And, the historical per-share price information easily available on company performance (e.g. will help highlight the successes and failures.

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