
Topic: Student Questions

Please Expl. Marketing Strategy/communictin Strate

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been asked to come up with a marketing strategy for a new dsl service discussing and combining of differentiation and targeting a small segment of the overall market. You can combing differentiation with a niche stragegy, which often works works well with a new product introduction. Also incorporate pricing. Then also supporting the marketing strategy bydiscussing pull verses push strategies
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  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    You seem to be asking us to provide you with an answer to your homework problem. This we will not do. Please see the Important Guidelines (// for this forum. In particular, see #5:

    Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question.

    If you would like us to explainconceptssuch as SWOT analysis, PEST/PESTEL, Porter's Five Forces, or Technology Adoption Curves,andyou ask specific questions with information demonstrating you putsome individual effortat first, then we will be glad to have a discussion with you to help you understand a concept.

  • Posted byCorpcommeron Member

    This info should help you to help yourself:

    "Your marketing strategy is a summary of your company's products and position in relation to the competition; your sales and marketing plans are the specific actions you're going to undertake to achieve the goals of your marketing strategy.", says Susan Ward (see

    For all sorts of useful business resource links, search this site's Resource Library.

    Read Your Seven-Step, One-Day Marketing Plan by David Frey a good summary of the planning process.

    See a sample marketing plan for a consulting company specializing in marketing of high-technology products at

    Check free business resources at the portal

    Go to the portal's Business page, check the business/management library links on -- see .

    Check the links for Bus. Planning, SCORE and the Small Bus. Admin. These sites offer a wealth of information for starting and operating a small business.

    Also check the General References links at .

    Hope these suggestions help you find what you seek.

    Corpcommer - MC

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