
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A Dog Collar Business

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am interested starting up a business which caters to the pampered pooch.

The product that would be sold are dog collar covers. These hand-crafted, machine washable covers fit over top of your dog's collar. Giving your pooch the perfect accessory.

Each collar is crafted from material, ribbon and a cute button to finish the product off. Therefore, no two collars are alike...making the product completely unique.

Thanks for your thoughts.
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member
    Errm... What problem does this product solve?

    What evidence is there that the market would support this business?

    Is it really a proper business, or just a hobby turning over a few sales?

    What distribution channels do you envisage? How will you communicate with your target segments?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Why not start crafting a bunch yourself and test the waters. You need to better understand who you're selling to and what these people are looking. Once you better understand, then you can craft a business plan that will help you turn your idea into a sustainable business for you.

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