
Topic: Branding

What Steps To Follow In Introducing A New Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
need to know the exact steps
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Very short question for a very large subject. There are whole books on the subject. Here are a few:

    If this is a school project, it is likely in the textbook you have for the class.

    Not sure you will get any better answers, as we don't have a feel for what specifically you are looming to do. Perhaps if you repost the question with more info about what you are working on (product, market, geography, etc.) and what specifically about launching it you are questioning, we might be able to provide better answers.

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear Danushika,

    Phil's right. You need to know the exact steps?

    Hmm. To achieve what goal?

    Let's take things farther; let's spread the jam a little thicker, so to speak.

    Ever made a sandwich? Of course you have. Tell me, how appetizing might your sandwich be if all it consists of is two slices of bread?

    My point exactly.

    Now, let's expand the metaphor and pretend, just for a moment that your business is a sandwich shop and one bright and shiny morning, in walks a punter, cash in hand, and they ask for a sandwich.

    As the sandwich maker, your first question might logically be: "What kind?" In order to meet this person's needs and fulfill their sandwich dreams, you need more information: you have to ask questions,

    Do you see where I'm going with this? The more questions you ask, the more information your sandwich buyer gives you.

    This then means you, as the sandwich maker, can then deliver EXACTLY WHAT THE BUYER WANTS.

    There's a novelty.

    One does not introduce new brands, one introduces new names and products, goods and services.

    One POSITIONS brands—both in the marketplace, AND in people's minds when one connects the result or solution the product or service promises with the result the buyer achieves or sees themselves achieving.

    This requires time, strategic thinking, and an ability to create and implement a detailed plan that has measurable markers built into it. This might sound like I'm splitting hairs but there are important differences.

    The "exact steps" you're asking for require WAY more information, more context than you've offered. The steps need details of your product or service, your audience, their spending power, the market you're entering, details about your competition, and the key differentiators that make you stand out—that make you different, better, stronger, more commanding, and better able to solve your potential customer's problems.

    Before you stomp out into the marketplace to introduce anything you need a business strategy and a marketing plan, both of which will take time to create, and both of which need to be custom built for you.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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