
Topic: Advertising/PR

Help.. I'm Out Of Ideas (how To Handle It?)!!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Have you ever felt that you're really dry? no matter how much you can effort yourself. No new ideas come out...The board call you...the General Manager urge you...but you're just blank, ..!!

I need to make a Plan to launch the brand of my company, along with a plan to increase its sales...but till now...nothing...cero...

So if there are anyone who can help me out...Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Four responses:

    1. It's really important for anyone whose job requires real creativity to have a way to get the juices flowing. Take a walk on the beach, meditate, fly an airplane, spend a day on a sailboat ... whatever forces you to stop thinking about your business problem. It's an absolute necessity if you really want to come up with a creative solution to a tough problem. (That's why we have vacations.)

    2. Start the process by doing your homework. Provide your brain with all the research it can hold. Consumer research -- focus groups, quantitative, etc. -- library research, Internet research, talk to experts and people who know the business, read articles and books on the industry ... immerse yourself in the subject matter. Your creative brain works best when it has a bunch of that stuff flitting around in your head.

    3. Hire a consultant who has a solid track record of doing the kind of thing you want to do. Sometime that's the fastest and most efficient way to get things started. After all, there are people who make their living by doing the stuff you want to do, and even if you're really good, it can't hurt to have an objective sounding board.

    4.最后,找到一个Ned的她rmann's books: "The Whole Brain Business Book" or "The Creative Brain." They will explain the way your mind works and how creativity happens. It is worth the time and money. There are links to those books at:

    Hope this helps. If you need more, feel free to contact me by clicking on my name and sending email.

  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    Everybody says to read a book! For me, the best type of book to shake up my brain is SCIENCE FICTION. I don't read them often, but my last two favorites wereSnow CrashandNeuromancer.

    另一个评论,什么值得:percentage of smart, creative, visionary people are blessed with a dysfunction called Attention Deficit Disorder. Difficulty getting big new projects started (like launching a new brand??) is a common characteristic.

    Now... where's my medication?

    - Shelley ;]
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    Maybe we can help. Can you give us some specifics, e.g. what type of company (a link to your web site would help) - goals for sales increase, etc. I've posted questions on this forum and received dozens of ideas, some of which were very good.

    If you can be specific about your situation, we can offer specific ideas, and they may help get you moving. If this is important to your career, I'd suggest purchasing some points, and posting this as a 1,000 point or more question. If you offer some points, and give specifics about your situation, you will probably be amazed at the quality and quantity of information you get.
  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Accepted
    Sometimes you need to get into left brain thinking. .

    If you can spare the time, go and buy the book, "A Whack on the side of the head", and maybe the follow up book, "a Kick in the seat of the pants".

    Both are great books with wonderful ways to get your mind working in new and different ways without having to resort to "better living through chemestry".

    If you can answer four ways to this question: What is half of 8? Then, perhaps you don;t need the books or the advice they contain.

    Creativity can be spawned on demand, given enough practice. Learn the techniques.

    Suggestion two, I keep a swipe file filled with interesting ads, cartoons, newspaper clippings, notes. When I'm feeling dry, I go to my swipe file, and browse. While browsing, I begin to recall why I found a particular item interesting, which sometimes gets the ole brain fired up again. After an hour or two browsing....well,,,the old gears are loose and running smooth.

    So far, I haven't had to resort to a big ole phillie blunt for inspiration, so it must be working for me!

    Darcy Moen (customer loyalty network)
    Just say "no" to work!

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