
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For A Mental Health Clinic

Posted by Anonymous on 275 Points
We are a medium size(12-15 providers) outpatient mental health office offering both counseling as well as medication management. We are in the process of expanding our services, moving to a new office space. We are looking for a tagline for our office brochures, other marketing materials, which is memorable without being over the top, and succinctly conveys what we are about. The image we would like to project would include that we are caring and compassionate counselors while offering state-of-the art psychiatric care. There is a hospital in the area whose tag line is "Exceptional people, extraordinary care." We obviously can't use this but I think it is a wonderful example of the type of thing we are looking for. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    You could play off the other hospital's tagline: "Caring People, Compassionate Care". Also consider: "Compassionate People. Latest Equipment. We Care."
  • Posted on Author
    We offer services to all age ranges, children through adults. We see individuals, couples and families. We provide counseling for the full range of mental health issues, and I feel being comprehensive is one of our strengths and makes us somewhat unique in the area. The "state of the art" I suppose would refer mainly to our medication management services, as our MD's do a very good job keeping current with the latest advances in pharmacologic treatment of depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. Hope this helps, and thanks for the response.
  • Posted bythecynicalmarketeron Accepted
    I know you are in a challenging field and offer a wide array of treatment options. To me, the most important aspect of what you do is to provide the support and help that people need to make it through the challenges and stress of their daily lives in the most positive manner possible.

    Rather than draw attention to the medical or technological components of your services, I would focus on the positive results you deliver for those in need.

    I suggest:

    *** "Improving the Quality of Life"

    *** "A Center for Caring"

    Best of Luck, JohnnyB.
    if you like the advice, read the blog,
  • Posted byNovaHammeron 成员
    Make The Connections That Count

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