
Topic: Advertising/PR

Can A Major Brand Hurt A Small Local Company?

Posted byDarron 25 Points
Our product, which is a real vinyl business card holder goes to 500 homeowners in each market. In it are business cards that represent local painters, electrician, etc. the intention is to advertise one time to one homeowner so that it is there when needed. If I put national sponsors in these books, will it destroy the value of a book with local businesses? Will it enhance it?
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  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    It depends. If you are featuring Joe the Plumber and you want to bring in Home Depot-- you may be helping Joe. Many tradesmen get last minute phone calls from the DIYer who just figured out the project is above his skill level.

    A lot of people get all in arms when a big box moves into the area because they fear the competition. But if they are smart, their presence can help their business.

    Same with your cards.
  • Posted byDarron Author
    我同意你的卡罗尔,许多小公司ee competition as the kiss of death, while I think it promotes everyone. I should have mentioned that we are exclusive to each trade. Sorry you were not well informed by me. If someone needs an electrician, and they open my book, my electrician wins becuase he is the only one there. We actually have national companies who mostly want the consumer to get to their website, so their business card gives them a discount code to use at the site. They want the same thing our local companies do- - Exclusivity-- which is why we only take products as national sponsors. The national companies think it helps keep the top of mind awareness branding. The longer our book stays in the home, the more value of course. I am still not convinced whether it helps my landscaper, and how many can national companies can we put in before it becomes just another advertising method versus a resource guide.
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    I do think that if you want to highlight local businesses, say as much. However, if you don't have a locally-owned Ace Hardware, et al, a local Home Depot is fine.

    I think the promo is a great idea... it will bring attention to businesses that might not otherwise be considered. The business card pack also makes it easy for people who receive them to keep information in an easy-file system, unlike No. 10-size coupons.

    Sales messages can effectively and creatively appear on business-sized cards.
  • Posted byDarron Author
    Thanks Gail, I agree it is great to highlight local businesses. Each of our markets help about 74 local businesses. The trick as always, is to keep our product in the home. Making it useful is our constant endeavor. I have not made a lot of changes because I fear it will become another throw-away and do believe perception is everything.
    While I believe in branding a product, it is almost the impossible dream for most small companies. Anything that helps them is what I am after.
    Thanks, Darr

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