
Topic: Branding

Is Re-branding Noticed?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我们什么时候可以期待看到研究n和客户oticing or delivering feedback on re-branding?
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  • Posted on Author
    The re-brand is a complete departure from previous branding and logos. We have a different target market in mind with this re-brand.
    We were wondering when research results would show the consumer response to this re-brand i.e. would the norm be around six months or 1 year?
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Member
    While some feedback in six months is not unreasonable, I'd go right to your target audience to determine the depth of recognition. Set up a Facebook Fan page if you haven't already, and ask fans to take a survey.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    我大部分同意大卫,但是我想补充一点,那就是这probably depends not just on your industry and product offering, but also on the frequency of purchase.

    It might be a lot faster, for example, for a consumer product that is purchased at least once a month than for some large and expensive capital equipment in a B2B situation, purchased once every 10-15 years.

    Remember, too, that if you're going after a new/different target market, they mightnevernotice the rebranding because they were not aware of the old/original brand. And your current customers might think the old brand still exists alongside the new brand. I guess it depends on how exactly you're promoting the rebranding.
  • Posted bykschindleron Member
    Echoing the Moderator...think your challenge is hiding in that phrase "we have a different target market in mind..."

    So if you are leaving behind one market and indeed aiming at a new one you should consider focusing on the evolving awareness of what amounts to a new brand. That could take a year or so, and you can track it with web hits, surveys, search terms, and other tools.

    Good luck with the new endeavor!

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