
Topic: Research/Metrics

Wanna Phd Can You Give Me Some Topics On Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
sir i am a labourious & high determined guy suggest me some topics on marketing so that it will help me for PH D
& i will get more knowledge
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    What interests you? What do you want to do with your life after you get the PhD? It's important to know what the goal is BEFORE you start the journey.
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    How determined are you really?

    为什么哟u want a stranger to tell YOU a topic for your PHD?

    Why not go out into an industry that interests you or is of national significance, ask CEOs what their biggest marketing problems are, and research THOSE?
  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Accepted
    有趣的实验,同样的问题twice but changing your self-description from 'strong determined' to 'labourious & high determined'. My advice now would be to focus your PhD on consumer behavior topics, and go to a university with great training in running experiments
  • Posted byrjohnnion Accepted
    What interests you in marketing?

    What topic will help you in improving your skill, as a PhD is just an invitation to a job, not the job itself? And they will look for an expert who knows what he likes!

    PhD normally tests your academic inclination and research inclination, now why would you want some unknown facets to tell you about your inclinations?

    As pauwels said, by the way you've changed your keyword in the query, you should look at consumer behaviour and patterns!!!!



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