
Topic: Career/Training

Change Career Field

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I'm 33 years old. i have working with private co for about 8 years, but yet i still didn't feel that i'm satisfied with what i have earn.

I think i can make more than that if i am self employed.
I think to change my career and be an insurans agent.
but i'm not sure if i can really make it....
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Why don't you talk to a few people who are currently doing what you are considering? Ask them what they like about what they do, and what they don't like so much.

    Usually the amount of earnings is NOT the most important factor. It might be lifestyle, personal satisfaction, or status/prestige ... but it's not money. Of course, money is a factor, but it's usually not the most important. You have to love what you do for some reason other than money.

    Don't know if this helps or not, but it's my first reaction to your situation.
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Having managed independent insurance agents, I will tell you it's not for everyone. You might want to spend some time talking to an agent.

    很容易拿起手册和开始学习bout it. You can even work part time for an agent. Study the material. Take the test. Is it still interesting. If not, you'll be back on this forum asking what to do next.

    You didnt say what you do now, but if it's not sales...cold calling might want to re-think this.

  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear yuni_57,

    Dude, if that's what you REALLY want to do, go for it!

    Find out as much information as you can, talk to people, ask lots of questions, and figure out a deadline: the "when" of when you want to be doing what it is you want to do. Then figure out the exact steps you'll need to take each month, each week, each day to get you to where you want to be.

    Then, stop talking about doing it and DO IT!

    The only way to eat an elephant is one bit at a time.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Most new independant insurance agents crash and burn in their first two years. The hours are long, they face lots of rejection and the money is not forth coming.

    Here's the deal, during the first two years, it can actually cost you money to go to work. Gas, phone, travel, breakfasts and lunches with clients - all of this adds up.

    You need a strong cash reserve before you lauch out. Are you willing to invest your current savings to be a long term success?
  • Posted bythecynicalmarketeron Accepted
    Heed the wisdom of Gary

    You are still young, now is the time.
    Lost opportunities rarely present themselves again.

    For most industries, if you venture out to start your own gig and it doesn't work out, you can always go back. Most prospective employers will respect your courage and resourcefulness.

    Most importantly, you will never have to look back with regret at what might have been...

    Best of Luck, JohnnyB

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