
Topic: Taglines/Names

We Don't Do Average

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for a tag line for my event planning business. The company Name is Devine Events and the tag line is we don't do average.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    how about using a version of your present tagline,

    "Don't settle for average, we plan extraordinary events!"


    "where magical events are made"
  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    How about "We don't do average"!

    Ok, failing the obvious, here are some more ideas to get the creative juices working:

    "Big on events, Big on ideas"
    "The event planning experts"
    "Because we care"
    "Let us deliver your vision"
    "The difference is us!"
    "The Premier events management company"
    "Your events, your expertise"
    "Events with a pizzaz, bang, splash!"
    "Creative planning for your event"

    Good Luck
  • Posted byrjohnnion Accepted
    In taglines, try to avoid the no word and the average word, you might (let me repeat, MIGHT) force the customer to think in the same negative and what if directions.
    Do stick to positive, and when possible superlative to help the customers expectation levels.

    My push would be in the levels of

    Always the Best.

    ALWAYS replaces the negative, and BEST replaces the average. I have removed the We and Do as this is a tagline, and not a positioning statement!!!



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