
Topic: Advertising/PR

Press Release Distribution

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
A 12 month subscription to Cision - a press release distribution resource - starts at $3000. I'm curious to know what (you) feel are alternatives to this services that don't cost as much but provide editor/contact information, or are reliable in your opinion. Thanks for your time.
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    I've found Mondo Times ( to be a great help. You can pay per media list and its information is current.
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Member
    I've never used a paid press release distribution site, because I have never heard they have enough value. I have used some of the free press release distribution sites, as the price was right (but I didn't expect to get major results).

    Instead, my focus has always been to know what media would be of interest for my products and get the names and contact info specifically for those editors and send directly. Each press release would also be slightly modified to appeal to that magazine's target audience. Yes, this takes time, but it is effective.

    An alternate would be to hire a media relations firm, who has these contacts and knows how to promote your interests.
  • Posted on Member
    Has anyone used the PRweb service? I've looked the $80 deal but have two questions, too bad, they don't have an email contact for inquiry.
    "Reach more than 250,000 RSS subscribers and 30,000 blogs", how credible is such claim?

    "Detailed analytics available in ALL packages",
    Has anyone used it and if so how good it it?

    And of course if you've used its service is it worth the money?

    Thanks for your time.

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