
Topic: Strategy

Effectively Prospect For Equipment Leasing Leads

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Does anyone have any suggestions for a lease broker effectively prospecting for equipment leasing leads?
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  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Member
    所以我认为你要求的经销商等pment? Are you working a local territory or going beyond that? I'd break it down by manufacturer. You can get on, for example, Kabuta's site and they list all their dealers. Some of them are also John Deere, Case, etc.

    I was in this field at one time. When calling on the dealers, if I wasn't getting a positive response I'd ask "have you every lost a sale because the prospect didn't have enough $$" And of course they'd have to say "yes". And then they'd start listening.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Carol is spot on.
    In my work with equipment distributors one of my first suggestions is the establishment of a relationship with someone who can provide leasing.

    More and more companies are turing to leasing because of tax and balance sheet implications. For the most part the distributors need to be primed and educated to phone you when the sale is getting near. Many times they simply need a clause to add to their quotes that states leasing options are available.

    If you have specific questions, feel free to contact me through my profile.
  • Posted on Author
    The territory is pretty well wide open. Other equipment I am looking at is the office equipment vendors. Anyone have any experience with that.

    I find that a lot of the manufacturers like John Deere have their own leasing which offers some stuff to the customer I cannot. Might be some recourse built in.

  • Posted on Author
    Another Vendor field that some have had success with is the software and Networking suppliers.
    It seems though that cloud computing and low equipment costs have had a significant effect on leasing and this market. I had a network vendor tell me that everyone use to lease 5-10 years ago but not many lease now since station costs are down to $300.
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    When I sold leasing my niche was office furniture. But I quickly expanded my territory.

    Re-read Frank's post. You aren't selling leasing -- you are selling a marketing tool for the dealer to gain additional sales. They don't have to put off a necessary purchase.

    Not only is the problem with leasing software cost-- but it's short life. It's hard to get a 5 year lease approved for a product that is obsolete in 3 (or less). There are many million dollar plus software systems out there.

    I just worked with a client selling tractors-- their financing programs were nothing proprietary. In addition since these dealers handle multiple lines-- what if the customer wants to finance multiple pieces-- including non Deere product?

    Everyone is not your client. And so what, there is plenty of business out there. I've never bought a copier without the rep assuming I would lease it. I would focus on industries less served.

    Specific industries will share the same needs-- they can finance over time, 100% tax deductable. I only singled out people like Kabuto because I thought your post implied that kind of equipment.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    can you help the sales team of and equipment provider to close deals faster, to close more deals, to speed up cash flow, to increase margins and lockout competition? Then after your first or second deal with a supplier, it would probably make sense to do an educational and promotional presentation at a sales meeting. Can you offer spiffs, contests, and other incentives for salespeople to include leasing as an option?

    In some cases, a sales organization might require salespeople to work with a particular leasing company (possibly the sales manager get some form of bonus). However, in some organizations, salespeople are free to help buyers negotiate leases with their choice of vendor, which means that each salesperson is a potential path into a new reseller account.

    If you decide to work through reseller organizations and equipment providers, you will need to be prepared to respond quickly to their requests for pricing.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all your answers everyone. Good insight.

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