
Topic: Other

Work Preferences: B2b Or B2c? Small Or Large Co's?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My last two jobs have been for B2C companies. My most recent job was with a company that has 5,000 employees. I may have an opportunity to work for a company that's B2B with only 20 employees. The salary, benefits and job description match what I want. I liked the company, but the environment would be big shift. I would love your feedback as I evaluate this opportunity.

Do you prefer working in B2C or B2B? Or do you feel there's much difference?
Do you prefer working for a large or small company? What are some of the pro's and con's in your experience?
Any other advice?

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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I find the differences in the actual job (between B2B and B2C) relatively minor ... especially when you're talking about marketing strategy. Of course, this presumes that you have been able to generalize the lessons learned in your B2C experience and not make them so specific to the marketplace environment that you can't identify the parallels.

    In fact, for many years when I started consulting, my main advantage with B2B clients was that I could apply the critical lessons learned in B2C and make them tangible and applicable in a B2B environment.

    The bigger difference, in my experience, is the large company vs. small company work style. In small companies, you are typically the entire marketing department. If you don't have all the requisite skills, you either have to get outside help or do without. There is no internal back-up or time for mentoring.

    You also have to feel comfortable working independently, making your own decisions, and taking charge of your own destiny. For some that's an easy transition; for others it's devastating. It depends a lot on how you're wired emotionally.

    So the issue is less with B2B vs. B2C, or small company vs. large company; it's more about you, your career goals, and what kind of environment will allow you to achieve what you want to achieve.
  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Depending on the product, I believe that marketing in a b2b world is more logic oriented. In b2c emotions play a big role in the sale. In b2b, it becomes the ability to tell the value story.

    我同意我的朋友古德曼先生对伴随矩阵y size. In a 20 employee b2b company, your role in marketing will cover all details of marketing, and probably spill over into sales and straight company management. I personally love the challenge and variety provided in a small company environment. But, then again - I am addicted to stress and adrenaline. Hope you are too.
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    I agree with Michael that in regards to work environment, there isn't a large difference between B2B and B2C. of course there are some, but not enough that I would worry about.

    But there are big differences between company size.

    Large companies have more resources, usually have more time for training, have better benefits (not just medical, but better chance of better hotels and business class when flying), etc. But large companies will cubbyhole you into a position and that is what you will do for a couple of years. Growth and promotions may be slower. But risk is lower for you - if you are just mediocre in the position, chance are you stay there.

    Small companies don't have as many resources, so are looking for people who can take on multiple roles. You will have chances to learn and try new things right from the start, and continuously. And if the company grows quick (small companies often do), new opportunities open up for you quickly. But risk is higher - if company doesn't grow or you don't meet/exceed their hopes, you may be out the door (they probably don't have the budget to carry those who don't make strong positive contributions).

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