
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Naming An Online Women's Magazine

Posted bya0a094on 250 Points
I need help naming an online women's magazine. Unfortunately, all the dot com names we wanted have already been purchased. They are not in use, but are for sale for more than we are willing to spend.

We are located in Bismarck, ND. We provide meaningful, relevant, articles about: personal growth, finance, decorating, beauty, food, fitness, health and fashion, as they relate to our area's women.

Our target market is is Bismarck women between the ages of 30 to 65, with an annual household income of $35K to $250K+. Most are married, own homes and have children.

We hope to be a resource for women by supplying them with the most relevant and useful information to help them live their best life.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on 米ember
    Name of Bismark Woman and a URL of
  • Posted bymgoodmanon 米oderator
    If is really available, I'd stop thinking about this and just take it. Whatever else you hope to communicate can go in the tagline.

    Think about what the role of the name should be. It's usually to either (a) identify the target audience and let them know you're talking to them, (b) tell your target audience what you do/are (e.g., we're a self-help e-zine), or (c) suggest the benefit (or end-benefit, emotional payoff) you deliver. does (a) perfectly. And given your target, that's probably your best bet anyway.
  • Posted bya0a094on Author
    Thanks for the suggestions. We will definitely visit

    We thought of BismarckWoman and we will use it if we have to. We were hoping for something more unique and creative. I don't have the list here but from memory a few that we tried and were not available are:

    BB (Bismarck's Best)
    BML (Bismarck Mandan Life or Living)
  • Posted bymgoodmanon 米oderator
    In those "creative" names you list, there's absolutely nothing that would indicate this is a WOMEN'S magazine. I think that would be a real problem, given your target audience. And the initial-names (B, BBest, BML) don't say anything until someone explains them.

    One of the many problems with having a broad target audience (demographically) is that almost any name you pick will appeal more to some than to others. That's why you really would do yourself a favor if you narrowed the focus. If you're determined not to do that, then would still seem like the best approach.

    (If you do go with, don't leave off the dot-com, because that tells people this is a website/e-zine, not a new hardcopy publication.)
  • Posted bymgoodmanon 米oderator
    米 ? (It's available.)
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Other suggestions (available domains):
  • Posted bya0a094on Author
    Thank you all!

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