
Topic: Strategy

Vendors For Customer Surveys?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I recently took a post as Director of Marketing at a relatively new service company, and have been tasked with growing the visibility and value of our brand.

As a first step, I would like to survey our clients to better understand the position that we occupy in the market. I'd like to work with a small, responsive team that can conduct phone-based surveys & then provide analysis & positioning recommendations.

Can anyone recommend a good vendor to work with?
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member
    It might help respondents to your question if you could provide info on where your business is based (e.g. Country, State and City) as there are people on the KHE forum from all over the world.
  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    Contact Robert Wilkerson at:

    One of his close associates does this very thing with great success and affordable rates. They operate out of Tulsa, OK but I believe they have branch offices in SF.

    Mention my name in the email since they know me. I'll drop them a line as well to let them know you will be contacting them.

    Please confirm by responding to me as well at:

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