

Quoting Online Articles

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I found an article on a website that I'd like to use in my enewsletter. Can I quote the article in full if I give proper credit to author and website?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi - a best practice would be to contact the company and ask their permission. If you only wanted to mention it by name with a link or make reference to a small part - it would be okay to do that without permission. However a whole article should be authorized.
  • Posted bywnelsonon Accepted
    Couple things you can do:
    1) If you are quotingpartof an article and it's in an article you are writing, APA style is to place the words in quotes verbatim and in parentheses after, the author's name and the date the article was written. Then, after your article, place a line with the author's name, date, and URL (like a footnote). You do this for each article you quote. Even if you paraphrase an article, you have to do this.
    2) If you aren't going to add anything to the quoted article, you can include the title, a few lines of the article, and a link to the rest of the article online (if you know how, you can make the link,Click here to read the full article
    3) If you want to copy the whole article completely, you have to get author permission (as kimberly states above).

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted byemilyon Accepted
    It's always good practice to contact the company and ask for their permission to incorporate their article into your materials. Offer to send them a copy when it is published.

    As Wayde states above if you're going to include the article verbatim, put the passage in quotes (I like to italicize as well), then put the author's name, date the article was written in parentheses. If the article originally appeared online, include the Internet address; it should direct the reader to the actual work, if possible.

    Good luck!

  • Posted on Author
    Kimberly, Wayde, and Emily:
    Thank you very much for your help. This is new territory for me and your guidance will help me stay within copywrite law, etc.

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