
Topic: Branding

Handmade Jewelry Designs/local Actor.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a jewellery designer of invisible jewelry,its a heard concept for some to grasp, they like it but its so different form the traditional way of wearing jewellery. how do I brand my company as being different but wearable. my tag line is Because Individuality is key!. I have a heard time putting myself and my company out there. When social media fails me i pull back. I'm not sure who my target market is because I have a range of clients because my designs vary. How do i brand myself with low funds and passion. Do i brand myself or my company or both or what? and then how do i do that? My name is Flower and everyone seems to remember my name but it does not equal sales. I need more sales and recognition.I have a website,Facebook and twitter none of then equal sales.I put up new items and specials all the time. Help please.
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  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Karen, that's a very literal interpretation... I think I get it. And this page shows some of Flower's jewellery.

    So, the jewellery isn't completely invisible, it's the suspension of the jewellery that is invisible - the metal/gem parts are very visible but appear to be part of the wearer's skin or garments.

    I should congratulate Flower for populating her profile page with helpful information! Well done.

    Flower, you need to do a few things:

    1. You need to optimise your web content so you can be more easily found.

    2. You need to get the concept of your 'invisible jewellery' out there more. The fact I never heard of it before is no problem - I'm a 50+ male and never in your demographic. Karen, however, I am guessing is an attractive younger woman who should be wearing your products, but doesn't even know about them. That needs fixing. Blogs, getting your jewellery onto some models and WAGs at red carpet functions, those will all help. The charity products for the burns unit - great idea - just rinse and repeat more often.

    3. Create a fans of Invisible Jewellery page on Facebook, with pics posted of attractive people wearing attractive pieces.

    4. Write a business and marketing plan, and stick to it. Execute it to the max, and review it quarterly!

    I dunno, there must be more - anyone? Bueller?

    Hope that helps

  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I get it. And the concept is definitely distinctive. But the "invisible" word doesn't explain it well. It's more like "floating" or "gravity-defying."

    I'd drop the "individuality" claim, and play up the unique "gee-whiz" factor that sets you apart from ordinary jewelry. "Invisible" just gets people thinking you're selling a pet rock or some other scam/fad.

    Now, even if you do that, you still need a marketing plan and a business plan. As remarkable as your jewelry is, it won't sell itself. You'll need to create awareness. If you're serious about wanting to make your business a success, you'll treat it like a business and not a hobby or craft.

    Without those plans it doesn't matter what you call the product or how you describe it. It will be the tree that falls in the forest and is heard by nobody.

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