
Topic: Branding

I Want Help In Online Brand Development.

Posted by Anonymous on 60 Points
我有一个个人博客是特定于布ng and all related stuff. I am writing blogs and in this way share my knowledge to others. For making this as a source of revenue, I also affiliated with Amazon and Google adsence. You can look my blog so that answer in the better way after doing analysis.

So my question is how I develop an online brand and treat my blog as a growing online brand. Which strategies I have chosen that best suited.
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  • Posted byKristaon Accepted
    I see that you have 2 major goals in your blog. First, you want to be seen as a branding expert. Second, you want to earn revenue from the blog.

    Focus on sharing your knowledge first and then the revenue will follow. If you focus on earning money first, then I guess it's really going to be tough.

    Share your knowledge in a way that helps people understand. So in your blog, why not talk about real encounters? Real stories of people and brands?

    Of course, that niche is already full of experts so there's something to think about: how can you carve a niche for yourself within this already tightly-packed niche of branding strategists and branding companies who have been there and done that?

    What can you offer that hasn't been offered before? What ways can you show that you are good enough in your area to help others?

    The other thing that puts people off is the deluge of ads when they get to your blog. This may make them wonder: are you out to help them as a true branding expert or are you just making a living from the ads that they click? Don't send the wrong message especially if you are just starting out.

    So back to the big question: which goal do you want to achieve? Do you want to be a branding expert OR do you want to earn money from ads?

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the positive critics. This will help me lot.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Narrow down your audience. Who specifically is your ideal client? Talk to them about their problems, not simply the philosophy of branding.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks, if you please share more knowledge about how I narrow down audience, as you know this wil happen when I get incearse in traffic to my blog.
  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Member
    A branding expert asking advise on how to go about building a brand ???? HHhhhhmmm!!!

    I think I would have to think twice or thrice before buying expertise from such a person :-)

    That would be like hiring a plumber and then he shows up at my house and says " can I borrow your internet please? I need to google for the instructions on how to fix your pipes "

    I think I would show such a plumber the door pretty quickly :-))

    Some food for your thought.

    To Quote a notorious expert - "teacher, teach thyself first".

    Good luck.

  • Posted on Author
    Learning is always there........In order to get up to date we have to share our knowledge and expertise with others.
    Here, I want the expertise and answer from other branding experts who might be have much experiences than me.
    So always think like positive.

    I have the ability to satisfy my clients but as a client I need here some suggestions from related branding experts.
    And I think to learn something and getting advice of others is not a bad thing.
    Thanks for your answer!

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