
Topic: Taglines/Names

Re-branding! Need A New Name!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我是内部招聘团队的一部分,我们need to rename. We are currently called Talent Acquisition but are finding it does not explain what we do. Whilst we recruit we also do career development, internal redeployments and assist in career path changes. We need a name that reflects all of this. Ideally we would like to keep the word talent.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    You could just add another word, since acquisition is part of what you do. Something like "Talent Acquisition and Development."

    If you are an internal team and your audience is all internal, what's the driver for re-branding? Do your constituents/customers not know what you do? Other than just changing the name, how will you market your services?

    And what's the objective of the re-branding? How will you know if it was successful? Is there a metric for this effort? Is the process worth the time, effort and expense?
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    Career Sherpas
    Realignment Department
    Resource Management
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    maybe “Talent and Career Management” will work for you. Also, check this link:

  • Posted on Accepted
    Talent Acquisition and Transitioning

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