
Topic: Research/Metrics

How To Find Out What Co-workers Know?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I've been working at a local restaurant for 3 years with no opportunity to advance. What would be the best type of business that I can hire that would give me the information that I need to be more successful? The type of info i'm looking for is what does the other employees think of me or say about me.
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  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Accepted
    Interesting question...I guess the best way to find out what your coworkers are thinking about you is (1) closer observation and (2) ask them in an informal setting (eg take them out for a beer). The first option requires you to pay closer attention to how people behave around and towards you. If you prefer the more direct second option, be ready to make some jokes/observations involving yourself and see how people react. You should be prepared to learn some unpleasant truths about yourself....
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    I think it is a good idea to listen to what other people say, but I would certainly not limit that to your current coworkers.

    I would suggest that you look back over your life, and remember times that others (including but not limited to your current coworkers) have given you awards and good grades and pats on the back and other kinds of positive comments. For example, have even recognized for your cooking, or for your artistic talents, or for your organizational ability, or for doing well on a particular subject in school?

    这个过程可能会提供一些线索f your abilities which could translate into a new career or a business.

    Re: starting a business, I frequently recommend that people began part-time. Since you are curly working in a restaurant, this can provide you a lot of options, since you can arrange free time during the day. Good luck.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Dear guitarmann610,

    What other people think about you isn’t about you. It's about them. Similarly, what you think about other people isn't about them. It's about you.

    The things other people think about you are really none of your business. Think about that for a moment. Then think about it some more.

    The energy you expend worrying and fretting about what other people think about you or what you think they might be saying about you behind your back is a WASTE OF YOUR MENTAL ENERGY!

    This kind of thinking "Oh, calamity! Whatever do people think of me?" is a bullshit mind trap. It's the road to ruin. It's the source of all personal and business angst, woe, unhappiness, and thwarted dreams and effort.

    If you take nothing else from this answer, remember this: Quit worrying about what others think of you and invest that mental effort in you.

    Are these other people making your life easier? Are they doing your work for you? Are they paying your bills? Are they all cheering you on and singing your praises morning, noon, and night? Now of course, some of them MIGHT be but in reality, it's doubtful that that's the case.

    All of which leads to the bigger and far more important question: what do YOU think about you?

    Instead of fretting about the opinions of others, spend time investing in YOURSELF. This means asking similar questions but with wildly different answers:

    What are the best resources you can employ to give YOURSELF
    the information, tools, and tactics you need in order to be more successful?

    What's going to get YOU off your ass and help you bust through old patterns?

    What's going to help YOU look at, recognize, realize, understand, and crush your limiting beliefs?

    What's going to help YOU see that you're looking for the wrong things in the wrong places?

    What's going to help YOU figure out what to look for and where to look for it?

    And finally, what's going to help YOU recognize what YOU'RE looking for once you find it? And then, how are YOU going to USE those tools, those skills, or those resources or realizations to HELP YOU KICK ASS?

    The keys to being more successful? They're inside YOU. They're right there, just waiting for you to find them, see them, recognize them for the value they've always held, and they're just waiting for you to make use of them.

    Here's a link to a 22 minute presentation Tony Robbins did several years ago at the TED conference.。看。Take notes. Think.

    If money is an issue, use the Internet to track down FREE resources on YouTube and on self help sites. Use your public library and borrow CDs and books and consume them!

    The sooner you begin breaking through your old thinking and replacing it with new thinking the sooner that new programming will begin to have an impact.

    I'm a marketer and a graphic designer, but that hasn't stopped
    me from studying psychology and neurology. Here's a simple, six word secret that underpins why marketing (which is in turn underpinned by psychology) works: neurons that fire together, wire together.

    The more we worry, or about think, or of dream, or fear something, the bigger that picture, reality, reality or nightmare becomes.

    When we apportion neural activity to the thing (goal, pain, want, dream etc.,) we're thinking about, the neurons that are dedicated to those specific thoughts begin to fire in groups.

    Over time, those groups of firing neurons grow. This growth spurs those neural signals to spread farther and farther until we've built up whole chains or highways of neural activity. Here's the kicker: the brain cannot tell the difference between IMAGINED signals and REAL signals, real input form the outside world.

    Over time, perception becomes reality and depending on how you see things, that reality can be really great, or it can crush your will to live.

    So you have a choice.

    Do you want to give your brain GREAT signals and live in a world of abundance? Or do you want to pollute its outcome with CRAP signals and live in a world clouded by doubt and scarcity?

    If it's the latter, carry on worrying about what other people think about you.

    The more POSITIVE stimulus you can give your brain the sooner those new neural pathways will begin to grow and the sooner you'll see positive changes in your thinking.

    Thinking needs action, which then directs your mind set.

    Your mind set then helps direct and form your outlook and attitude.

    Your outlook and attitude then helps direct your emotions and actions.

    Your emotions and actions then direct or influence your outcome.

    You outcome then reinforces your thinking.

    Your thinking then helps form your new beliefs about your self and your place and role in the world—and the world's role and place in your life.

    So, focus on you, not on the opinions of other people.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    The Direct Response Marketing Guy™
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Imagine that you own the restaurant. What changes would you make to improve the bottom line? How could you make patrons happier and spending more, more often? Once you've thought this through, talk to the restaurant's owner. Show them they you're looking at the big picture and want a chance to implement some of these ideas. At worst, you'll see what you future holds. At best, you'll see how you can create your own future.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your responses. I'm not sure how to respond. I think I will let the situation go and move on with my life in a more fulfilling and enjoyable future. Only if I were to become more provoked from my employer's negligence and reckless behavior will I make decisions that will negatively affect his business. My thought process will be based on satisfying professional and business goals. Any ideas for negative reinforcement? I think an attorney may be benificial if concerns are ongoing.

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