
Topic: Taglines/Names

20 Year Aniversary Slogan/theme For Auto Auction

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are one of three dealer only auto auctions within a 10 mile radius of oneanother. The theme that has been decided up on simply the # 20 with a two hundred dollar giveaway every 20th unit purchased. I am stumped as to a good slogan.
Of the three auctions we are the larges and most established and not independent.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish with the promotion. That makes it pretty hard to come up with a slogan.

    什么是你的目标你想交流吗audience? What do you want them to remember when they leave? What are they supposed to do now that 20 is an important number (to you)? Do you expect them to overbid every 20th unit by $200? Why $200, when the theme is 20?

  • Posted on Author
    All valid questions, all questions that I have. The GM and Sales Manager have come up with this and dumped it in my lap.
    We are putting aside $10 for each unit sold and that $ will be given away on the 20th unit sold which is where the $200 comes from.
    We have been open 20years which is much longer than our two competitors.
    The GM is, I think, trying to simply communicate that we have been in business 20 years. The 20th dealer to register that day will recieve a prize. Our in house financing company/floor plan company is doing a $20 for 20 days no interest "float" on all units floor planned with them.
    Our customer base is easy to please. All we have to do is give away hat or shirt and they love it. So the $ and the shirts and the hats we will give away will work well.
    This is more of a dealer appreciation sale.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    "Everything's Coming Up 20!"

    "Rated XX -- 20 years and going strong!"

    "A Score with [company name]"
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    20-20-20 Special
    20 Years+20 Sold=$200
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Chris

    Why don't you keep the two seperate. I mean keep the importance of 20 years in business seperate and the promotion for your dealers in seperate prints.

    For your company, you can use something like this

    google for a silhouette of men running where one man in far ahead of others. If you cant find let me know i have one with me. On that put you company name and the tag line

    COMPANY NAME -- 20 years and still WALKING..ahead of competition
    COMPANY NAME -- 20 years and still LEADING others

    FOr your dealers print something else like

    BRINGING BACK THE 20's ( the name or headline of your brochure)

    In black and white print, use some cars of 1920s as background and describe your promotion for the dealers.

    Maybe even for your customers you can have a similar taglines where you print the t-shirts or hats with that theme.

    Hope it helps.. let me knw if u need anymore help.

    Cheers RJ
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    Get 20/20 vision!
    Twenty years of selling gears
    Twenty years without peers
    Twenty years free souvenirs!
    Do I hear 20? Going, going, still going...

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