
Topic: Taglines/Names

Handyman/home Improvement Business Name

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I'm trying to help my husband come up with a name for a business card for work he will do on the side (possibly full time). It would be more of a handyman business doing flooring, renovations, painting, etc. His last name is Wood so I feel like I should use it for one because it's his last name and needs to be part of the business name. Then obviously, wood goes hand in hand with handyman services. However, I don't want to stress on Wood too much and have heard that we need a word like budget to show it's a small business and folks are getting a good deal. I like home improvements b/c I feel it covers a lot but don't want to make it too wordy. We also live on the coast and wouldn't mind using a "beachy" word. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    You can use "wood" but be careful how you do so. Unless your husband only works with and repairs wood items, the name would be misleading.

    关于他的全部南e followed by Home Improvements? While I'm a fan of name creativity, I like to know exactly what a business does, especially when it's related to services.
  • Posted bytdcon Accepted
    I'd say a couple of things to consider when coming up with a business name that few people consider:

    -Allow it to use keywords that people will search. Even if you don't have a web presence immediately, having a business (particularly in this type of business) that is clear and easy to find is important.

    -A name is also a "keyword"

    -Make it memorable but relevant.

    Since your husband will be doing the work, attaching his name to it lends creditability (afterall, who wants to put their name to shoddy work).

    I like the idea of using "Wood", but use it differently:

    Tom (first name) Wood Fix It Right Repair Service
    tagline: your affordable neighborhood solution

    Good luck to you both!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Why not MR. HANDYMAN. It's general and very easy to remember.
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    I wouldn't stress budget. That isn't what people want-- they want it done right. The first time.

    "The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of a Low Price is Forgotten"--one of my fave quotes.

    So instead of wood-- use

    Wouldn't you want it done right?
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    DriftWood Home Improvements
    Sure Wood Home Improvements
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all to the incredibly great suggestions!! This really helps a lot and we greatly appreciate it!

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