
Topic: Research/Metrics

Impact Of Child Ads On Sales Of Product

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am doing research on the topic "impact of Child advertisement on the sales of a product" .
How to proceed on this topic or is this a sensible topic?
Basic aim is to find out the changing trend in the advertisement appeal like using more children in the ads rather than adults . The targeting is different from positioning.
*Do really the companies are gaining sales by using a child or not?
#I want help from experts how to go ahead on this topic and where I need to emphasis for the further research?
How to gather the literature on this?
#Is this topic really good to go ahead or should I make any changes and if so on what should I concentrate?
The above mentioned topic is just an idea which came in my mind and it dosent have any support as of now.
# I need help on the formulation of this idea into a focused research topic which makes me fully indulged in my research.
#To find the sales of a product after child advertisement , from whom I can get the data?
# Whom should I concentrate, the ad agencies or the consumers?
#Which products would be the best for the study?
#Can I emphasis on the behaviour of the consumer after seeing an advertisement done by a child?
#Or can i find out the impact of the child ad appeal on the consumer when compared to other appeals?
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  • Posted by柯恩.h.pauwelson Accepted

    an important topic indeed, and worthwhile pursuing if it interests you personally. You are right in that you should choose a specific subquestion that can be systematically analyzed and on which can gather data - companies are unlikely to provide evidence of such practices to you. A good start is below article:
  • Posted by柯恩.h.pauwelson Accepted
    以我个人意见哟ur questions:

    1) data: you can either ask the advertising company or a government organization checking ads (in contrast, an advertising agency will not be able to give you sales data). In this case of secondary data, your analysis will have to control for counfounding factors, so a modeling background is helpful here. Alternatively, you can design a controlled experiment to manipulate exactly what you want. In that case, a background in experimental design is essential

    2) focus on the consumers

    3) definitely compare the child appeal with other, related appeals. For instance, what is the difference between showing a child and a puppy? Between a child and the typical adult model? These comparisons will help you explain exactly why and when the child appeal is useful

    Good luck

  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    Don't forget to factor in that some people don't like having children in the ad is a negative. Same with puppies. Or Fords or Chevys. Or State Farm.

  • Posted on Accepted
    This is a good and relevant research topic to pursue. The use of children as part of an advertisement should be dependent on the products and services it is offering (milk formulas, diapers, baby products, etc.)

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