
Topic: Strategy

Network Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我知道你们有problebly听过but I will ask it anyway. Ive been invovled with network marketing for a long time and have made great money doing it . In the past I have had problems getting people to get invovled with me. So here is what I would like to know. What is the best way to get a large almount to people join my mlm company the company is vitacorp international. It is not a fly by night company. I have been ideal for about a year and a half and want to really lauch this really big any ideas or point would help a bunch if you would like to see what this company is about
Thank you
Tim Whitfield
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  • Posted byReadCopyon Accepted
    Oooo, the darker side of sales and marketing.

    INTERNET: If you are serious about this, then you need to start online, get yourself a global audience.

    PRESS: Then promote thought all the free/cost effective sources you can find (FreeAds, fastening flyers to car windscreens, lampposts etc).

    PR: Unlikely to get any PR from what your selling.

    EMAIL: Buy yourself a good opt-in email list, and really work it.

    Hope this starts to help, sorry but as in any business it takes hard work, there is no easy answer.

    Note: Becareful of any mlm, you need to work hard to make it pay.

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Member
    By a 30 second ad in the Superbowl, Olympics opening ceremony, World Cup Final or premiere of the final show of Friends.

    Show a tvc which explains how much money people will make with your system, give them your 1-800 number and just watch 'em come tumbling in!
  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    Just to clarify, this is not *your* company, but rather you are one of its affiliates, correct?
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    I have been repeatedly approached by MLM types - all I want to know is two simple facts: 1) exactly how many hours have you put in, and 2) exactly how much money have you made (verified, i.e. copies of your Schedule C from your tax return for the past two years).

    In my opinion, if you are open and honest about the time and money, you will differentiate yourself from most of the MLM folks I have met.

    Here's an earlier post with more comments on MLM:

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