
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With Cleaning Company Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi, I am starting an Exteriors cleaning business specialising in Driveway and patio cleaning, I have named the business 'Clean Exteriors' but need help with a catchy Tagline, I am based in the UK. Any help would be great,

Thanks in advance
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  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    What Phil said is, of course the meat of the idea but if you can also incorporate a Call to Action or a Hook as well, then your tagline can go further....longer.

    Your name clearly states your function.
    Mentioning evocative results or appealing to other angles/clients (property agents/homeowners looking to sell) can work too...not just maintenance of course.

    Invest ...
    Put A Smile ...
    Rediscover ....
    Same Day Makeovers ...

    Tempted to include 'catchy' but that can be short lived....

    you decide based on what your clients hire you for;

    We Never Surender ...,
    Pride Without Prejudice ...,
    Ugly Ducklings Rescued Daily.

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