
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Tshirt

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
我打算打印一些体恤衫to new members of our club and existing members for thank yous when they refer a new customer. I'm hoping for a tagline that gives a good feeling about bringing their dog here to play. We are a private dog club with 12 acre park and also do training, daycare and boarding for our members. I would like opinions of what I've come up with, or additional taglines if you think of something better.
1. "By dog people, for dog people" (is this disrespectful to Mr. Lincoln?)Just an fyi, people who are very into their dogs and a dog sport generally refer to themselves as "dog people" When we get a new member who seems to freak out at getting dirty or muddy around the dogs, existing members will say "they weren't dog people".
2. Serious, Fun (we are serious about training, but are also serious about the dogs having fun)
3. I was thinking of putting "I see dog people" on the front with the website and the logo stuff on the back.
Here's a link to the current design, I've left room on the back above the logo for the tagline.
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  • Posted byKSmithon Accepted
    I personally like #3...Funny. It will resonate with people and also be a conversation starter. here are some other thoughts...

    "it's a dog-play-dog World" - From the saying Dog-Eat-Dog World...

    "Doing it doggy style" - This will be taken the wrong way but funny none the less.

    "No Cats Allowed" - Picture of a Tree House with the sign of a cat crossed out.

    "Sit, Lie Down, Play"

    "One Dog, Two Dog, Red Dog, Blue Dog" - Dr. Seuss

    Good Luck,
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Why not have your existing members vote on the choices you've come up with? It doesn't matter what we think - it matters what they do (and if they'll wear 'em).
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the responses guys. I did as suggested and asked a few members yesterday while hanging out in the park. Most currently have one of our tshirts that just have the logo on the front and they all wear them pretty often. As to the slogans, most liked the "I see dog people" one as well as our current slogan "Unleash your dog's inner wolf" so that seems to be the winner.
    I'm also going to print a batch with just the logo on the front on long sleeved tshirts, so that will give people a choice.
    I'm leaving the question open for a bit longer since it's a holiday weekend.
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    Following the truism that 'There are no BAD dogs just bad (untrained) owners' perhaps something that says
    what your group/club/pack actually accomplishes with your play activity.

    Leadership Re-established with play!

    A tired Dog is a good Dog!

    My dogs inner wolf would not get along with others thoughts as a dog owner.
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry for not commenting. I thought when I distributed the points I had, but apparently I didn't finish the post or something (although it does look like I did get the points done, right?)

    Anyway, we liked the leadership through play idea.

    We try to stay away from the Ceasar Milan (dog whisperer) stuff since we don't mesh with his training style. Most of what he does should only be done by professionals and is also dog training theory from 20+ years ago (alpha rolls, tiring a dog out instead of teaching it alternate behaviors).
    We ended up not putting a tagline on the tshirts, just the logo and location since we were in a hurry and had to go to press. We use those shirts as generic give aways but will still print a more "stylish" shirt.

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