
Topic: Taglines/Names

E-mail Blast

发布的Thatbeit1on 500 Points
Two questions. I am designing an email blast to announce our new claim procedures for our services. The email blast will be geared to insurance adjusters. The new claim procedures blow away what my competitors offer and save time and money for the insurance adjuster/company.

What would be a good tag line?

What format would be best letter or a more complex email with graphics?
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  • 发布的Peter (henna gaijin)on Member
    Tagline: save time and money on claims
  • 发布的Jay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    (Aside: I'm assuming you're looking for a subject line for your email, not a tagline for for your company.)

    Insurance Adjusters Are Going To Adore Us...
    New Claims Procedures Guaranteed To Save You Time & Money
    Adjust Your Expectations Much Higher...
  • 发布的matt.snodgrasson Member
    Can quantify the time/money they will save or put a percentage to it so they can have a solid idea going into the email? That would move me.

    Spend 20% less time processing claims
    Learn how to save up to 25% on claims processing costs
  • 发布的mgoodmanon Moderator
    "Saving time and money" sounds so generic. Everybody and his brother/sister promise that. If I bought everything that claimed it would save me time and/or money, I'd be broke and have no time left to think about the next project.

    You need to find some way to make your promise so that your specific target audience knows immediately that you: (a) are talking their language, (b) understand their situation better than the guy who sells copying machines that "save time and money," and (c) will really stand behind your compelling and unique benefit promise. (You're not selling copying machines, are you?)

    Have you conducted in-depth interviews with your target audience? Do you know what words they use to describe their most important unmet needs? Do you know what keeps them awake at night?

    If so, use those words in your promise. If not, it's time to do the research and get some input that will really make your promise (and tagline) sing for the target audience.
  • 发布的Thatbeit1on Author
    Thank you for your help. So glad to have this resource when I am in a pinch.

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