
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Action Sports Video Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am making my sports videography hobby into a side business. I need a catchy name for the company. The field is video production of action sports such as wake boarding, surfing, motocross, off-road racing, and many others. I need a name that will be "cool" and catch the eye of the action sport athlete.
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    谁是你的主要目标盟dience? "Action sport athlete" is too broad to be really actionable for naming. Can you narrow the audience to a particular sport, a specific geographic area, a clear end-use? How old? Which gender? For themselves or as a gift for someone else?

    Once you've defined the target audience more narrowly, think about the reason they might want your video production services. What will they do with it? Is it to feed their egos? If not, how will they use it? What benefit will they realize?

    Once we have this kind of information, we can begin to do a good job of coming up with a name. (BTW, the best names don't try to be "cool" or catch the eye of anyone. They provide a compelling reason for the target audience to take some clear action -- a clear benefit or end-benefit.)
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Narrowing to males age 15-29 and Florida is a big step.

    Now we need to understand which sports have athletes who want/need to be sponsored. I didn't realize that sports sponsorships were a big deal ... but then I'm not in the target audience.

    No need to narrow to a single sport, but it would be helpful if you could give us a few examples of sports where sponsorships are accepted/standard procedures. Is football an "action sport?" Are football players normally sponsored? Baseball? Basketball? Soccer? Ice hockey? Other?

    Are you able to point to some success stories, in which a video was key to getting a sponsorship? If so, maybe that will help us understand the big idea more clearly.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Ultimate (Athlete) Video Productions
    Fast Break Video Productions
    Finish Line Video Productions
    Golden Edge Video Productions
  • Posted byNovaHammeron Accepted
    High Profile Productions

    Wicked Good Videos

    Big Deal Productions
  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted is available!
  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    While you want your company name to have "cool appeal," your main goal is to extract money and referrals. While 19-27 males are your primary targets, I'd guess you also earn from their families, and could get referrals from would-be sponsors who are approached by athletes all the time.

    In this case, you want a name that's solid enough to make people comfortable handing over your fee and sending potential clients to you. (You'll find that the reputation for "cool" comes from the quality of your work and the way you treat your customers.)

    Some suggestions along those lines -- simple and strong:

    Mobile Action Video
    Athletic Action Video
    Florida Sports Video
    Waychoff Action Video
    Waychoff Video Group

    However, if you're not persuaded to go "solid citizen" and still want a cool company name, you could definitely make a play on your own name, which gives you an interesting angle:

    WayCool Video
    WayCool Action Video

    The dot-com version of each of these names is available at this writing.

    Hope these ideas help you. Great business! Best of luck to you.

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