
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Free Clinic

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Need a tagline for a week long series of events celebrating the 10 year birthday of our free clinic that is also a fund raiser.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    What do you do ?
    Who are your customers ?
    Why do they go to you and not somebody else ?
    Which sponsors / donors would you like to find ?

    would give us something more to work with.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry- new to this process.

    We are a free clinic serving uninsured, low-income residents of our county.
    We do not receive any federal or state dollars and are striving to up our individual donor base with these events.

    We strive to improve the health of our entire community by improving the health of those who lack access to healthcare otherwise and will eventually bubble up in the ER if left untreated.

    We are the medical home model so our patients are not walk-ins but rather treated as they would in a private primary care clinic.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Create a "10 Steps toward better health" with a scavenger hunt of some sort. At each stop, share statistics of how people's contributions helped keep your doors open and others healthy.

    You might invite then with:

    Support our TENure of health in your community


    Improving our community's health for 10 years
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    "To Our Health!"
    Priceless Health For Free
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    Why do you need this tagline? What's the purpose? What do you want to communicate with it? And who is the target audience?

    唯一的人ple who care that you're 10 years old are people inside the organization. You're the ones who are celebrating. The rest of the world only cares about what you do and why they should support you. Focus on the important and unique benefit you offer your target audience, not on how long you've been in existence.
  • Posted on Author
    The whole 5 days is a warm up before an ask. We are targeting various groups and individual donors in our community. The purpose is to make them aware that we need their support to continue to serve others and that we are doing important work efficiently and effectively that impacts the community at large.

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