
Topic: Advertising/PR

Sponsoring A Hole In A Golf Tournament

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work in title insurance and our company is sponsoring a par 3 hole for a Realtor tournament. There have been many great ideas posted already, but I'm wondering if any new & exciting ideas have come up since then. I'm looking for something service based that will really stand out. We've cleaned clubs for the players one year and had chair massages another year.
Any ideas thrown out would be extremely appreciated!
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  • Posted byGail@PUBLISIDEon Accepted
    Doing something that relates to your industry would resonate and last longer in the minds of golfers and other attendees. Do something fun with calculators (you have to get creative), caps or umbrellas, the latter, to signify security. If your effort is memorable, patrons will remember your company for reasons you want them to, and hopefully think to call when they need your service.
  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    Video each golfer's swing and send them away with their personal video on a flash drive with your company logo on it.

    How to: Set up one or more backdrops with your logo. Place a golfer at a tee in front of it. Have them take two or three swings (no ball) and film them head-on from a tripod camera (can be as little as a flip camera). Then, download the video file onto a flash drive (with your company logo) on the spot. They'll walk away with something they're sure to look at many times. Definitely memorable.

    If you have enough lead time, you can bulk order flash drives in the shape of golf balls. Just Google "golf ball shape USB drive" for a list of suppliers.

    Don't be tempted to offer criticism of anyone's swing, even if well intended. Just provide the tool for them to study in private.

    If you need manpower for this, connect with a local art or trade college to hire their photography students for a day. They'll be glad for the experience.

  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Have the local college/HS golf star be at the hole all day. Golfers can pay $25 to have this kid take their tee shot for them. Money raised goes to a charity. After a day at the same tee all day, the kid might get a hole in one. If he/she does, you can do something extra.

  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Consider a package of golf accessories (such as towel, ball, umbrella. gift certificate good for a round of golf, etc.) sporting your corporate logo
  • Posted byedalexanderon Accepted
    创建一个移动网站登记,跟踪和redeeming all the great offers and logowear suggested by the previous commenters. Display a QR code linked to the site on a sign at the hole green with a caption explaining how to use it and the reason(s) to use it. Set up analytics to capture user behavior.

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